I have tried IAGL, but nothing seems to work, even external launch.
I have tried IAGL, but nothing seems to work, even external launch.
delete ? why it's the folder shared with smb to put your games
Hi there,
thanks a lot for this release.
I have a general question... no matter what I'm changing in settings with bilinear filtering there are always horizontal lines in movies/streams etc. Is it because there is no final adoption with the Pi 4 (4GB) yet or is it a problem with your release? With my old Pi3 there is no such problem. RetroPie runs for me so far...
Hi i have the same problem too
Bicubic seems to fix this horizontal lines
Don't hesitate to do sh update_libretro.sh -a to get latest modifications from Retroarch and cores.
But i think it's strange, there is no horizontal line on my rpi. I use HDMI0 (hdmi near power supply connector)
I have no horizontal lines on my build with my 2gb rpi4
If you are talking about kodi part, it still remains beta/alpha for the rpi4 at this stage.
And i can not give support about it
Only on retroarch part.
This core is compiled with an older commit, lakka based. I hope you will not get kernel panic again.
Tested 10 minutes with Mario Kart SMU1
Place the file in ConfigFiles\retroarch\cores\
It will be used instead of the integrated one
Hello Cael
You can get this one : Release 9.80_2_preview · magicseb/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub
I hope you will see more performances.
just had a crash that hosed the whole system boot. says something about cant mount fs on unknownblock(0,0)
Crashed sd card may be ?
I'm trying to adding some optimisations, by patching makefile, on multiples cores may be it can help or not.
i just tested your image - so far its working great. I can even restore all the kodi settings from the previous alpha version.
the game performance on the other hand is even below what I had with lakka on rpi3. even some gameboy games where not playing smoothly. which roms/cores did you test it with? Or are there any settings I have overlooked?
I have tested with no shaders, can you give me your exact settings to reproduce the situation ?
- Shaders
- Cores used and seems to be not optimised.
Cael Thanks for the log.
h4de5 I haven't tested gameboy games, just naomi and dreamcast , and some megadrive games.
I will take a look
You can get a new build on the releases pages Releases · magicseb/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub
It's Kodi+Retroarch
Retroarch is on the bottom of the menu.
Nope there is no virus in the build. Or compile it by yourself.
Nervermind, i have disabled adblock and mirrorace is full of spam/malwares ads.
I upload release directly on github now.
LibreELEC + Retroarch 9.80 for Raspberry PI 4 !
If you want to try a more recent build
Hello everyone
I've made a build of Libreelec with retroarch binaries.
You can get the source here : GitHub - magicseb/LibreELEC.tv: Just enough OS for KODI
You can get the build here : Release 9.80 · magicseb/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub
flycast is working great
If you appreciate my projects, give me a tip : PayPal.Me
Wireless does not work on these devices with any of the RK3399 images, however supported USB adapters work fine. I've used the Rock64Pro image on the NEO4/M4/T4 boards. Waiting for a release with supported drivers.
do you have tried the dtb linked on my post ? Replace it on your m4 sd card and you will see wireless wifi and bt working.