If you want precise control then use an IR remote using the rc6 protocol (eg Microsoft MCE remote) or the rc5 protocol (eg Philips or Hauppauge remotes).
IR remotes using the NEC protocol (eg most of the cheap remotes from Asia) won't work as precise as the former ones as there's no toggle bit in the protocol.
You can work around to some extend by reducing the IR timeout (ir-ctl -t ...) but in the end you got what you paid for
so long,
Right, but as mentioned above, there is a bug in 3.14 kernel for Amlogic (right?) that dramatically reduces precision. I can only repeat again, the same remote, NEC protocol works much better on PC, actually I see no difference remote vs usb keboard.
BTW maybe option to choose which mode to use ("keyboard mode" with old remote.conf or ir mode as it's set currently) could be possible? Whe remote acts as keyboard, even very cheap remote works much better.
BTW I see no benefits from buying remote that costs more than box itself while I can get this cheap air mouse remote: wechip-w1-mini-air-mouse-akumulator-englishrussian-2-4-ghz-wireless-keyboard-pilot-dla-systemu-windows.jpg_640x640.jpg - it works super fast, as wiereless keyboard and air mouse is also there.