Hi, after installing armbian on an old sunvell r69 H2+ 1/8GB (V1.3 red pcb) i tried one nightly on micro-sd-card made for Beelink x2: LibreELEC-H3.arm-9.80-nightly-20191019-c9510d4-beelink-x2.img.gz
It works pretty well on that box(for armbian I added a fan to keep it cooler) with unchanged dtb:
what works out of the box:
-HDMI 1080p (even the glitches often found on android & armbian using higher res than 720p didn't appear in 2 hours test!!!)
-HDMI Sound
-both USB ports working(used one for dongle from keyboard-mouse-combo and other for usb-wifi)
-power LED is red (not perfect, but this way I see which os is booted: blue heartbeat=armbian, red=libreelec)
-addons using widevine work flawless (did just a short test with joyn for maybe 1hour)
-card reader (boots from that device..
-internal Memory (formatted ext4 for armbian)
-ethernet working
untested/not working:
Ethernet = untested
internal wifi = not working
av-port = untested not working
remote = not working (used remote conf working with that remote on s905w-box *eelecs)
optical = untested
software reboot = not working (device needs switching power supply to reboot)
power off via gui = not working (get "system halted" message, but device stays powered somehow)
I guess some problems are caused by using beelink-dtb (that one from kernel 4.14.xx Armbian doesn't work).
Is there a way to convert the dtb from armbian build to work with libreelec too, or is there a way to edit the dtb/dts from the beelink-box to enhance support of sunvell r69 v 1.3 hardware?