Posts by jimmy

    Sorry for the late reply.

    My house boiler got problems = Cold house = :(:cursing: wife.

    It fixed my problem,

    Now it will boot from USB flash drive with an external hard drive for movies and no SD card insert.

    Iridium Thanks for getting it to run.

    chewitt Thanks for giving me a lead to UUDI or LABEL.

    Both of you, was a big help to me

    Status: solved

    If you want consistent behaviour use UUDI or LABEL instead.

    @chewitt thanks for giving me some direction.

    New to Linux I move slow, need to read and try to understand.

    I found some more info about how to setup the booting profile.

    I used some info from this thread:

    "Get the UUID and LABEL info"

    Since I couldn’t SSH to the unit, I put back the flash card and booted. SSH to it and got follow info when I enter:

    Kodi:~ # blkid

    /dev/mmcblk0: PTUUID="81331199" PTTYPE="dos"

    /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="LIBREELEC" UUID="755A-75E5" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="81331199-01"

    /dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="b2f9a5b6-1120-49c4-bc8f-a65245122d03" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="81331199-02"

    /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"

    /dev/sdb1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="LIBREELECT" UUID="755A-75E5" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="81331199-01"

    /dev/sdb2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="20C6-7F0B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="81331199-02"

    /dev/sda1: LABEL="Seagate Backup Plus Drive" UUID="CC9AA9A49AA98B90" TYPE="ntfs"

    Kodi:~ #

    I used the UUDI from sdb2 and added them into cmdline.txt


    I got follow text on screen when I boot (SD card and hard drive has been removed):

    **** error in mount_flash: mount _parth: unknow file system ***

    I also tried to use root=UUID=755A-75E5 in cmdline.txt with same result.

    What do I do wrong?

    Is not required on new RPi3B+ the firmware is already included.

    Is Seagate USB 2TG hard drive (Movies) on a powered HUB?

    Thank for a fast answer Iridium

    Should I remove "boot=/dev/sda1 and disk=/dev/sda2" from the text file. You tell me its not required, but not to remove it.

    its a 3 1/2 size USB3 4TG hard drive with its own power supply (I mistake it with another 2TG drive?(). I will say 3-4 years old.

    Forgot to tell there is also a USB keyboard connected to the pi, but I don't think that makes the boot problem.

    I have already search here in this forum and PI forum to see if there is a solution, but I haven’t found an answer to the problem. I might have missed it. I will be pleased if someone could help me out.

    Hardware ::!:

    Pi3b+ (Already setup to USB boot)

    Scandisk 16gb USB flash drive with Image: LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.2.5.img.gz

    Seagate USB 2TG hard drive (Movies)

    No SD card (not insert)

    Working from Windows 10 using Etcher. Got putty.

    Cmdline.txt :!:

    boot=/dev/sda1 and disk=/dev/sda2

    Working: :)

    Boot from USB flash drive Without USB hard drive plug in. Insert USB harddrive after boot up. Kodi will working fine.

    Problem: :(

    Keep booth flash drive and hard drive plugged in at same time and boot up.

    Getting message. *** Error in mount_flash: most_common: could not mount /dev/sda1 ***

    Sh: can’t access tty,; job control turned off

    How do I get this to work? :?: