Method for firmware uploading
1. create directory /storage/my-firmware/lib/firmware
ssh [email protected] ENTER / PASSWORD "libreelec" //default password
mkdir /storage/my-firmware
mkdir /storage/my-firmware/lib
mkdir /storage/my-firmware/lib/firmware
2. create file
nano /storage/.cache/kernel-overlays/90-my-firmware.conf
with code:
/ save file with ctrl+shift (:wq)
3. copy firmware from other computer to libreelec:
scp /path/to/dir/with/firmware/file/firmware_name.fw [email protected]:/storage/my-firmware/lib/firmware/
ENTER / PASSWORD "libreelec" //default password
reboot libreelec
check /lib/firmware
4. ssh [email protected] ENTER / PASSWORD "libreelec" //default password
5. ls /lib/firmware
if firmware is listed you done all ok