It's seems a kind of magic to get a working LCD, in my case a HD44780 (16x2) with an I2C, a Raspberry Pi 3 and the latest and the latest version of LibreELEC.
I can't figuring out what I'm doing wrong, I just followed the wiki:
1) Install two Add-ons / Services: LCDproc with LCD driver hd44780 and XBMC LCDproc
2) Make a LCD.xml file (copy and paste from the LibreELEC wiki and put it in the Userdata map)
3) Edit the userdata -> addon_data->service.lcdd LCDd.conf file and choose the HD44780 driver and change the default settings (see below)
Others on this forum put a LCDd.conf in the .config map and a driver file in the map Downloads. I did this also and edit the driver path in the LCDd.conf and changed settings for the HD44780:
At the end:
## Hitachi HD44780 driver ##
Some users of LibreELEC copy an old driver, some recompile it. There seems to be serveral versions with different size: 64Kb, 85Kb, 105Kb.
Some others added in the config.txt file the I2C driver.
On the wiki there is still a screen example of Settings -> Services -> LCD Driver option. But I'm missing it. Only Samba, SSH etc.
It's all very confusing
With the latest versions of Volumio, MoOdeAudio and OpenElec, I've always succeed without much problems due to a good description what to do (in the Forums, Github etc).
Despite all my dozen attempts with LibreELEC I can't manage to get a working HD44780 display ........
Hopefully somebody can help me with a step by step procedure and put it on the wiki.
With regards,