Posts by HappyFeet

    Hi, I've been trying to set up my Pi running LibreELEC to function as a bluetooth audio receiver for quite a while now but can't get it to work.

    Bluetooth seems to be running but no sound

    I enabled bluetooth in the system settings and connected my phone. Afterwards I followed the official instructions here. My phone recognizes the bluetooth connection for media playback and does not output sound from its speakers when connected. Unfortunately, the Raspberry Pi does not play any sound either.

    System sounds are working so it's not an issue of the speakers. In Kodi, I set the output device to PI: Analogue. I also checked whether the pulseaudio server is running - it is. After starting the playback on my device and using the commands pactl list short sinks and pactl list short sources again the audio sink and the bluetooth source both are tagged as RUNNING, which confuses me even more.

    Maybe it's the main.conf bluetooth config?

    I was wondering whether this might be an issue of the main.conf because some people said you have to add Enable=Source,Sink,Media and Class = 0x00041C to the file but I didn't manage to edit the file because of the read-only filesystem. Inserting the SD card into a card reader and editing the files on a different computer didn't work either because I don't understand the structure of the SD card, it's completely different from what you see when SSH-ing into LibreELEC.

    Other than that I'm wondering whether you have to execute the steps in the setup manual every time you reboot the Raspberry Pi or if you can edit some config files that all of this happens automatically.

    Any help is much appreciated, as I've looked through most forums and blog entries on how to set this up but had no luck and now I'm running out of ideas what to do!

    More info:

    Kodi 17.6

    Bluez 5.43