Please let me know if it works or not.
I have installed LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2.5-Chroma.422.10bit
with dtb gxl_p231_2g_dvb.dtb from device three directory inside the libre 8.2.5
put your vfd.conf into /storage/.config
upload openvfd folder into /storage
when i start sh this is the output
No command line options were found, showing usage instructions.
Usage: OpenVFDService [-t] [-dt TYPE] [-h]
-t Run OpenVFDService in display test mode.
-dm Run OpenVFDService in display demo mode.
-dt N Specifies which display type to use.
-co N... < D HH:MM > Order of display chars.
Valid values are 0 - 6.
(D=dots, represented by a single char)
-h This text.
Display More
i start ./OpenVFDService -dm
and on the display something happen.
this is the link to my display sorry but no possible upload here i don't know why
Here you can see display without your file it is always with boot charapters
Thanks for support and suggestions.