chewitt I'll add the following configs to tonight's #0312 test build - this also enables USB support:
Comparing LibreELEC:master...MilhouseVH:le10_enable_marvell_wifi · LibreELEC/ · GitHub
I haven't enabled PCI support because the likelihood of if being needed seems quite low (Marvell are no longer in the WiFi hardware business).
Normally we would add these same options to all platforms but in this case I'm struggling to see any benefit in doing so.
ToxicWaste the test build will be posted in this thread later this evening (about 9pm UK time):
LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 19.0)
I strongly suggest using a disposable test installation if you can, as the Python3 changes will make a mess of any working LibreELEC 9.2.x system.
Once you have booted the #0312 test build, you may find that you are still missing WiFi firmware and you will need to install the missing firmware the same way you did the BT firmware. Post your dmesg again if you get stuck.
Marvell exited the WiFi/BT hardware business in 2019 (selling up to NXP) so including the ~9MB of Marvell firmware in the Generic image is unlikely to pay any dividends - it doesn't seem like Marvell were particularly successful so the handful of users that might be using this hardware would best be supported by the occasional manual firmware install when required.