Posts by kodiuser1

    Just to clarify @kazaq here is what I did:

    1) Updated to the latest devel LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161116235711-r23437-g73c3cef.img.gz
    2) Created a file named wifi.conf with the following contents:


    3) Put this wifi.conf file in the modules-load.d directory .
    4) Ran the following command via ssh putty:

    echo cfg80211_qca > /storage/.config/modules-load.d/wifi.conf

    5) Rebooted.

    Once I did that I got the wireless networks tab coming up under network. The picture is a screenshot:

    However, even if I deactivate and reactivate the wireless networks, I still don't get any wireless connections. Like in the screenshot below:

    Hope this helps.

    I did have it working. I then did a reboot now no wireless networks are showing under connections or network. That sucks after all your work and help.
    Now I have it back up again.
    Any idea how to make it work every reboot without ash?
    Nope it won't pick up the wireless adapter on reboot.

    I have tried it now I seem to get a different error:

    LibreELEC:~ # cd #
    LibreELEC:~ # cd .config
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ./
    insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/compat.ko: File exists
    LibreELEC:~/.config # chmod ugo+x ./
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ls -l
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           256 Nov 16 21:17
    LibreELEC:~/.config # reboot

    here's my output

    yeah, sorry, you must do ./ again, after ugo+x command

    it's perhaps best if you reboot

    LibreELEC (community) Version:
    LibreELEC:~ # cd #
    LibreELEC:~ # cd .config
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ./
    : No such file or directoryad module /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/compat.ko
    mount: mounting /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/cfg80211.ko on /lib/modules/3.14.29/ker failed: No such file or directory
    LibreELEC:~/.config # chmod ugo+x ./
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ls -l
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           257 Nov 13 03:03
    LibreELEC:~/.config #

    do the command again...try from inside .config directory, try ommitting the path /storage/.config

    after that do "ls -l" and report output here

    Here's my output. What am I supposed to do now??

    LibreELEC (community) Version:
    LibreELEC:~ # cd #
    LibreELEC:~ # cd .config
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ./
    : No such file or directoryad module /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/compat.ko
    mount: mounting /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/cfg80211.ko on /lib/modules/3.14.29/ker failed: No such file or directory
    LibreELEC:~/.config # chmod ugo+x ./
    LibreELEC:~/.config # chmod ugo+x /storage/.config/
    LibreELEC:~/.config #

    Yes, that was my ouptut as well before I did the "chmod ugo+x /storage/.config/" command

    LibreELEC:~/.config # cd #
    LibreELEC:~ # cd .config
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ./
    : No such file or directoryad module /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/compat.ko
    mount: mounting /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/cfg80211.ko on /lib/modules/3.14.29/ker failed: No such file or directory


    do the following:

    cd #
    cd .config

    put here the text output it produces


    I can see every file in file manager that the script talks about.

    LibreELEC:~ # /storage/.config/
    -sh: /storage/.config/: Permission denied

    No, I meant for you to execute "" via command "./" (without quotes) from inside .config directory


    LibreELEC:~ # /storage/.config/
    -sh: /storage/.config/: Permission denied

    The last time I made some progress (not much) I was able to access the .config directory and run ./ here is the output.

    LibreELEC:/ # cd /storage/.config
    LibreELEC:~/.config # ./
    : No such file or directoryad module /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/compat.ko
    mount: mounting /lib/modules/qca9377-aml/cfg80211.ko on /lib/modules/3.14.29/ker failed: No such file or directory