Posts by darksky

    I am running LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-11.0-nightly-20231218-f33f513 on an Intel N100 mini PC. How can I determine which kernel driver is in use for video? I do not see the i915 module in lsmod's output for example.


    Ah, I guess it's the i915:

    I followed the wiki step to build from git, but I am unclear where the build image is under the dirtree. What is the expected file name? Also, is there an update image as well as a clean install image?

    EDIT: I see now, they reside in the target directory.

    I took the file from here and replaced it but I still have the same limitation of 1920x1280.

    I reimaged the card entirely using LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.2.5 and I have 4k available now. Then I updated to LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.80-nightly-20200904-89c7562 but only get a black screen. This was a known problem with older milhouse builds. I will search and see if I can find a solution or start a new thread.

    EDIT: [BUG] · Issue #4523 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub

    I am using LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.80-nightly-20200904-89c7562 on an RPi4 with a 4k monitor but seem to be stuck @ 1920x1080 from Display>Resolution. My /boot/config.txt does not limit it there so I am wondering where else a limit could be introduced.

    To transplant the Raspbian kernel to another distro like Arch ARM, I found I could copy from Raspbian, /boot/kernel7.img and the modules directory modules/4.14.90-v7+ to the Arch ARM image and it would boot and run fine. I wanted to do the same with the LE kernel so from LE's /boot, I copied kernel.img to Arch ARM's /boot and renamed it to kernel7.img and also copied the modules over, but found that it wouldn't boot.

    The error displayed was:

    *** Error in mount_flash: mount_part: Unknown filesystem ***
    ### Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount_flash... type exit to quit###

    Is there any way I can take the LE kernel and modules and just boot to it on Arch ARM?

    Thank you! Try as I might, I cannot get a modified version of your service to work on my box. It seems to coredump.

    When I try to start it:

    The kodi log:

    17:16:59.248 T:140122534957952 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
    17:16:59.248 T:140122534957952 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
    17:16:59.248 T:140122534957952 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
    17:16:59.248 T:140122534957952 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
    17:16:59.250 T:140122534957952 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
    17:16:59.250 T:140122534957952 ERROR: ADDONS: manifest missing
    17:16:59.250 T:140122534957952 ERROR: ADDONS: Failed to read manifest
    17:16:59.250 T:140122534957952 FATAL: CServiceManager::InitStageTwo: Unable to start CAddonMgr

    These innovations / optimizations aren't from us, they come from popcornmix and other people from RPi.

    If you want to build kodi and ffmpeg with all the optimizations it's probably easiest to just use his newclock5 branch (that's the current development tree). In LibreELEC we're doing the same, only difference is that we split out the ffmpeg patches to a separate package (but the changes are the same as in the newclock5 branch).

    I'd recommend sticking to the tags in the repo (unless you want to track bleeding edge stuff, like in milhouse builds), in LE 8.90.005, which is based on Kodi Leia beta2, we built from this tag: newclock5_18.0b2-leia

    This is great info to have. I will give that a try, thank you.

    LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.0-Milhouse-20180923210325-#0923-g442e2de on an RPi3 can play a 2.8kb/s HEVC video file flawlessly. When I compare it to my own build of Kodi 18.0b2 on the same hardware, the video playback is unwatchable/choppy. Is it solely the ffmpeg version used in LibreELEC, and if so, is this an ffmpeg fork I can download when I build Kodi on Arch ARM?

    FYI - I build like this so I would think inserting the ffmpeg version would be trivial:

    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/vc \
    -DFFMPEG_URL="/ffmpeg-4.0.2-Leia-Alpha3.tar.gz" \

    EDIT: is it as simple as pulling the single patch linked in this thread and building? Further, are all 4 patches shown here recommended or will the third one be sufficient?

    Is there a text file somewhere that will detail the cmake step (all the options) that are used for the ODROID-C2 version of LibreElec? I'd like to compare them to how the kodi package for ODROID-C2 is built on Arch ARM. Thanks!

    For example, currently, this is the cmake step (just wondering if there are some hardware-specific optimizations that could be enabled, etc):