Posts by dishins

    Hello, i'm having issues with FLIRC USB Dongle on latest stable LibreELEC with LePotato board, if i pair my remote and connect the dongle on the board's USB, it works but after some time stops working, as if some service "disabled" my dongle. Any help on this please? I really don't know if i just have to buy another dongle or is a configuration problem.

    Here are my full debug logs:



    I made it work by setting it run from Left key, but is not working for blue key, i tested with the following map:

    I can confirm the color keys (red,blue,green,yellow) works when i have my full keyboard map. But is not working to call the script, if i press left, it works correctly.

    Nice, the “Enabling“ part is working now, the working script is the following:

    rm /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Action(reloadkeymaps)"
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Notification(Kodi Info,Keyboard Enabled,7000,"
    </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

    Now i have two keyboard.xml files, one is numb and the other is full.

    The full is the exact copy of the /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml plus the following entry:

          <!-- PVR -->
          <!-- Multimedia keyboard keys -->

    The numb is the exact copy off vpeter file, only replacing my script:

    However, when i press the blue button nothing happens :(

    Here are the code of my two .sh scripts:


    cp /storage/.kodi/userdata/bkpmaps/fullkeyboard.xml /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Action(reloadkeymaps)"
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Notification(Kodi Info,Keyboard Enabled,7000,"
    </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &


    cp /storage/.kodi/userdata/bkpmaps/numbkeyboard.xml /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
    kodi-send -a "Action(reloadkeymaps)"
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Notification(Kodi Info,Keyboard Disabled,7000,"
    </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

    I think im next to my final goal but still missing something ?(

    Thanks again to everyone replying to this topic.

    Allright, so i put the following script in my Kodi Favourites entry:

    rm /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
    sleep 1
    sleep 1
    kodi-send -a "Notification(Kodi Info,Keyboard Disabled,7000,"
    </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

    However, the reloadkeymaps function is not working. The script does remove my file from the keymaps, but is not reloading my full keyboard after and neither pops up the notification. If if remove the reloadkeymaps line, the removal off keyboard file and notification works.

    Any tips?

    I think i'm gonna try the hard way.

    I dont have this file: /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg just a sample file: rc_maps.cfg.sample

    I suppose i can write the script to switch between keymaps, can you point me just how to reload config via ir-keytable please?

    i tried the following from Infrared Remotes []

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps # ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/samsung
    Read samsung table
    /sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory

    but it didn't work

    And i shouldn't have a rc_maps.cfg file?

    If it matters, i mapped my remote via Flirc Ubuntu app, so it is recognized in Kodi as a keyboard, right?

    Thank you anyway for the reply.


    Is there any way to enable/disable all other keys by pressing one key/button?

    Im currenlty using a remote mapped by a FLIRC dongle, but it happens that i use the same remote of my TV, and when im not using LibreELEC i dont wanna mess with any configuration by pressing the Keys i mapped (mostly direction, back and enter) on Kodi.

    So i thought i could use something to block all input in Kodi and only enable it by pressing a Key button (Blue as example)

    If it helps, Im on a RPI2 with latest LibreELEC.

    ps: HDMI-CEC is not an option since im using a Hyperion Setup behind some HDMI splitter and switches.