Posts by a11an

    I would find it useful to have a simple website on the default port 80 that could have some simple help details and stats etc and can be customised to forward to different web frontends for kodi, emby, tvheadend etc. I'm always forgetting the correct ports for the various installed frontends!!

    Just wondering if anyone else would find this useful? ;)

    I hope this is a simple one. I'm very new to linux so i'm probably doing something stupid, please help :)

    I am currently trying to create a script to refresh my dvbsky drivers on resume, currently on resume I get 'not tuner available' error.

    I have created the following script here /storage/.config/sleep.d. But on resume/sleep I get the following errors Jul 12 11:13:52 media systemd-sleep[1159]: /storage/.config/sleep.d/01-dvb.power: line 3: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting "in")

    This is the script, any help would be greatly appreciated.