Posts by Nerd

    I agree. But if there is already a NTP server by your router provided, why not use it.

    Even if I use in all 3 Timeserver fields the same IP address libreelec is still connecting to one of those addresses.

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    Hi guys,

    I have an issue that I might not understand properly and somebody can help me out with it. I like to use my own NTP Server (Router within the Network) to synchronise the clock of two libreelec installations (raspberry pi - LibreELEC (Leia) v8.90.006 ALPHA and tinkerboard S - daily Jenkins builds). I added under Timeserver #1 the local IP address of my router that is providing the NTP information and left #2 and #3 empty.

    I can see now in my Pi-hole that both libreelec installations still connecting to "" and I do not understand why, since it suppose to take that information from my local source. It works for all other connected devices in my network except libreelec.

    Maybe I do understand something wrong!?! Would be nice if anybody could point me in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance.


    I am using at the moment the first official release v8.90.006 for the thinkerboard S. It works quite well with some flaws that I would like to list here. You mentioned under the notes, that you focus currently on the OS core rather than Kodi issues. I have to be honest that I may not see if an issue is related to the core, Kodi or to an Addon.

    The Problems that I noted:

    • Bitstreaming to my Denon receiver is working so far, except if an audio master is attached to the source. I get an analogue noise as soon I try to play, for example, a movie with a DTS-HD audio file attached and the Display of the Denon receiver is showing some wired symbols because he is probably not able to display the information he is receiving.

    • I use the Netflix input-stream addon that works on my raspberry-pi and a limit of 720p very well. On the thinkerboard S even with the limit to 720P you can see how jerky it runs. The processor is always peaking very high and is reaching its limits. Everything under 720p works fine, but then it is very blurry on a big screen.

    • Probably related to the Bitstream issue above. Now and then if I start a episode on Netflix I get to hear as well a analogue noise, as soon I stop the episode and start over it works again.

    Thanks for the hint. I just updated with your mentioned version and everything runs even better then the nightlies that Jenkins is building.

    CEC-HDMI works, Audio Bitstream seems to work, except DTS-HD but that is alright. Kodi does not even crash anymore after I stop a movie. Feels more like a RC then a alpha. Very nice.

    Thanks a lot to both of you.

    I will wait, maybe the issue is going to get fixed during the next days/weeks and there will be new builds. The Nightlies are very easy to update, just copy the tar file in the update folder and Libreelec is doing its magic.

    Guess that your mentioned builds - mike - are not working without a new installation. If nothing is coming up from Jenkins I will consider it though.

    Thanks again for the quick response.

    Thanks Iridium.

    For now I changed my setup to the debian tinkerboard OS with Kodi in the autostart on the eMMC. That seems to work so far. Not as smooth as I hoped for, but in line with my other Libreelec and Kodi and MariaDB setup.

    I am most likely not finish testing different setups (Maybe tinkerboard with android is an option as well) and I will try out your storage move proposal too.

    At the moment the tinkerboard S feels a bit clunky (not just libreelec, also with other software) and not as smooth as my raspberry pi, but I guess it will get there in a near future.


    Thanks a lot for the quick response. I was under the assumption that I did something wrong since it worked on sd-card but didn't on the eMMC drive.

    I have to be patient until the RC I guess. ;)

    Thanks a lot to you and all they distribute to that project and keep up the great work. :thumbup:


    I just got an tinker board S and was tinkering a bit around with it. At the beginning I had some set backs, deleted the eMMC partition and some other minor issues, but I got that fixed with the debianOs for tinker and a partition manager.

    I use the last (2018-07-05) tinker board image from here and it works alright with the knowledge that it is just a test version and still in the making. Thanks for that, first of all.

    A issue that I noticed right away, was that HDMI-CEC seems to not work and issues with setting up a Network storage, but for that I found a way around.

    The issue that bothers me right now is, that I am not able to set up the eMMC properly. And I am not sure why. The above mentioned image flashed by the libreelec tool or etcher to the sd-card works fine so far, but the image flashed to the eMMC is not recognized and does not boot. I tried all jumper positions all the time, nothing works.

    Do I miss something?

    Will there a be different image for the S Version? Properly not.

    Anything else I missed, have to say that I am quite a Linux novice.

    For any hints I am grateful. Thanks in advance.