Thanks for this great build wrxtasy ! Really smooth menus and 4k video plays better than on kszaq builds
Unfortunately I ran into problem with external USB DAC. I have Breeze Audio USB DAC which worked flawlessly on kszaq build but after upgrade to your build it just stopped working. DAC itself is OK, I have checked it bu connecting to my laptop.
I can select it in Kodi as audio output but there is no sound. I tried fresh install of your build to different USB drive - no luck.
Is there any way to fix this?
I second this, my usb sound card also not working with latest Test2 build. Was ok with kszaq's and with a Pi.
My setup is this: set the global audio output to USB sound card, enabling passthrough with the known formats to the TV (LG B7) This way I can listen to music on the USB sound card and have sound with the special formats on TV.
But, there was a problem with latest kszaq build: there are videos with an AC-3 and DTS-HD sounds where I only get noise on the tv when I select the AC3 sound, and nothing when I select DTS-HD. With Test2 I have sound on TV, but USB sound card is not working.
More observations regarding sound:
With OSMC on the PI, I always get a notification on the tv about the sound format the movie is using. Same like with HDR notification in the upper right corner.
Edit: there is one time when usb sound card actually makes sound: during boot, before the words are appearing in the upper left corner, a high pitch noise comes from the speakers.