Installed Libreelec to sd card on my Beelink Mini Mxiii ii
Everything works great to either use Libreelec or Android, using the Android tv Nexus ROM found on freaklabs to use perfect player for live tv within Android along with the Android TV OS (that's why like to have both). Use Libreelec mainly for my home theater use, Kodi within android leaves much to be desired and so does SPMC for HD audio, etc
Using the app "reboot to Librelec" from within Android and it works. From within Libreelec reboot to internal storage and it works. I have done 3 separate installs of Libreelec to my sd card. After a few reboots of the OS (reboot defaults to Libreelec as it should) eventually it reboots to TWRP instead. No way to get it to reboot into Libreelec once that happens. Able to switch/boot back and forth between android and Libreelec but eventually the dreaded TWRP comes up. Only way to get Libreelec back is to reformat the SDcard and reinstall the image then do the toothpick boot. Then all is well once again until a few reboots later.
Sucks, anyone have any advise? Would appreciate it. Note with the TWRP I don;t use it since need a mouse to navigate the menus, only have the remote that came with the box so essentially TWRP is useless. There is probably a way to boot the SDcard from within TWRP (not sure) but cannot do that with this remote. Even toothpick method now brings up TWRP instead of Libreelec once the box boots into TWRP once. Will no longer load Libreelec from SD card. Wish there was another way to dual boot but would like both OS's on my box.