Posts by TheHesser

    Hello all,

    I have searched for weeks bow on how to fix it and I think it is time to post a question myself as my situation is always a bit different then others. :)

    I am the proud owner of a Raspberry Pi 3 and a Zero W (2 more Raspberry Pi 3's in transit)

    I have Libreelec 8.2.5 installed on my RP Zero W with Kodi. I want to use it for audio streaming only as I am placing the RP Zero W in a central position and use the BT speaker wherever I want it. I can use the Kodi app on my phone to change or stop the music.

    I have tested multiple Bluetooth speakers and this happens to all of them:

    1. I can connect the speaker via Bluetooth and it shows a connection on the speaker itself

    2. As soon as I select audio over Bluetooth the connection is lost (Pulse)

    3. Audio over HDMI works perfectly

    I tried different options and speakers but the bluetooth connection isn't playing any audio or gets disconnected.

    I am NOT using Raspian or anything else to start Kodi. I am a fast learner if someone could show me how to implement a solution.