Posts by brki

    Thanks for checking!

    No, I tried first with non-default username and password, and ticked the option to store those credentials in the keychain. I later tried to use the default username / password, which works fine. I then tried again to change just the password, but was again unable to connect.

    I'm a new LibreElec user. I'm running 8.2.5 on a raspberry pi 3.

    I'd like to enable the samba server but am not comfortable leaving the default username and password (or at least not leaving the default password).

    From a current macOS version, I can connect to the LE samba server with the default username and password. If I change the password in the LE add-on settings though, I can no longer connect from macOS (the username and password combination is refused).

    It should be possible to change the password (and username), no?

    Any hints?