Posts by credulous

    chewitt, thanks for that.

    I understand the way NTP works, I have a stratum 1 NTP source locally and so have no need for any internal server or service to go outside for NTP or DNS and my IoT devices, of which I class LibreElec one, all default to no external access at all unless specifically allowed.

    This is the reason for my question not any problems with Pi not having an RTC.

    Is there a reason why adding my own internal NTP server in the LibreElec dialog does not appear to have any effect?



    I have recently migrated to LibreElec from OpenElec, I was very impressed with the migration process .. very smooth.

    I have a few small niggles ..

    1. NTP does not appear to take any notice of the servers I provide in the NTP config screen, is this a known problem with an ETA for fix? If no fix, can you tell me the list of hostnames that it tries please so I can build firewall rule?

    2. The TV DB and the Move DB scrapers do not appear to be working, it is fair to say that this was not working or more accurately had stopped working on my old OE setup, this was the trigger to migrate actually, it was suggested as a reponse to my post on the Kodi forum.

    With the TV DB I see an https call go out to, however there is no api key after Authorization=Bearer%20 .. and it results in a 401 and unable to parse web site.

    The Movie DB problem is similar, however I do see an api key in the https call to, but still get a 401 and unable to parse web site.

    Any ideas?

