Posts by pti.con

    Hey guys,

    I found lot of threads about how to install LibreElec on SD card, or how to boot from it. Anyway there's not much threads about how to make SD card work at LibreElec, so I'm little bit scared, that my problem is rare.

    I've got Intel Compute Stick STK1AW32SC and when I connect my SD Card, it did not connect to the system. When I opened terminal and wrote dmesg, the system found internal storage MMC0 and MMC1. The first one connects without problem, there's the system of course. Anyway the second one is find, but could not be connect and it returns mmc1: card never left busy state and mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card

    I tried my old one Samsung EVO 16GB even the brand new one day old Samsung EVO 128GB. The first one connects without problem in UBUNTU or Windows, the second one I didn't tested in other systems on my Intel Stick.

    So the Question/s is/are: Where could be a problem? Why I cannot mount it, why it returns what it returns, why it works in other systems and not in libreelec (kernel?)?

    I spend really lot of time to find the solution, but I think, there's no one. Especially when I do not even know, how to ask Google to help me with this, it returns alway "Installation libreelec on SD Card, Rappsbery, and threads like that" and it drives me crazy.

    Thank you for reading this and I hope to find some answers,
