Posts by xGunner

    I want try but i can't access at : "/home/pi/.xbmc/userdata/"

    I don't found "home" in "/"

    Can you help me ?

    [EDIT] IT'S OK !!!

    Your link is for Raspberry i think, so i modify path folder

    I put in ProfileFolder (/home isn't accessible on system. So on odroid C2, ProfileFolder = "/storage/.kodi/userdata")

    Modified code :

    import xbmc
    xbmc.executebuiltin( "PlayMedia(/storage/.kodi/userdata/playlists/video/2018.m3u)" )
    xbmc.executebuiltin( "PlayerControl(repeat)" )

    Work perfectly

    For odroid C2 the path is "/storage/.kodi/userdata" For Raspberry is "/home/pi/.xbmc/userdata"

    Thank you for your help :)<3


    To begin I'm french, so please be indulgent :)

    I have install Libreelec on my Odroid C2 and i should to make a video playlist who start on startup.

    I succeeded to create my playlist but i can't play it "endlessly" (good word ?)

    So, how i can play playlist endlessly

    And how to start it on startup (with the last version of kodi) ?

    Thank you for your response,
