Posts by k-x-p

    I've been considering faulty manufacturing as I've also read about it here but didn't want to jump the gun. Especially since only Kodi was pushing out segmentation faults, underlying OS stayed up most of the time.Pi 3 b+ is also quite a new device so some early adopter issues are also to be expected.

    Unless anyone proposes some other ideas or tests to try, I guess I'll be RMAing it and hoping that they wont send it back saying "everything is fine".

    Sidenote: I've never had a reason to adjust overscan, I think it should be the default from the install. The picture seemed 1:1 to me.However good to know - as I've never had any issues, I didn't really look at that setting or acknowledged its existence.


    I've been using LE with my pi3 for a long time without any issues. I recently upgraded to pi3 b+ for the extra performance and now I've been getting crashes quite often. At first I noticed them once or twice a day, now i'm seeing them as often as multiple times an hour.

    Only kodi seems to crash most of the time, however there have been issues where LE stopped being responsive via SSH as well. I think all of the crashes only happened while Kodi GUI was active. Don't think any crashes have happened while I was playing a video.

    I'm using an original raspberry PSU and i've tried it with two SD cards. I also tried to reset my device to factory and it still happened. Today I added a heasink + active fan to the PI as well to avoid possible overheating issues. Didn't help.

    The log file after my last crash (did a soft reset because i started suspecting library issues.. then just played around in the menus and started youtube install from kodi repository and then it crashed again).

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    I'd appreciate any clues to how to solve this.