Happy to report the the bug causing the slide show to hang after x amount of time seems to finally have been addressed in 9.0.2 with or without help of a crystal ball
Posts by WebMaximus
Worked like a charm, super thanks!
When trying to use the below robocopy command to copy/mirror files from a folder on my Windows 10 PC to a folder on an external HDD connected to a RPi 3 model B I get the error message in the subject line. This is using LibreELEC 9.0.2. Was using 8.2.5 up until today where I didn't see this problem using the very same command.
This is the command I'm using where D: is a local HDD in my Windows 10 PC and Z: is a mapped network drive pointing to my external HDD connected to the RPi:
robocopy "D:\Media\Fotoramen" "Z:\Fotoramen" /MIR
And this is the error message I get:
2019/05/31 13:21:30 ERROR 50 (0x00000032) Changing File Attributes Z:\Fotoramen\
The request is not supported.
Maybe I missed some setting somewhere when setting up the new version of LibreELEC.
Any help highly appreciated!
Sorry for the late response. Never received a notification my post received a reply and forgot about it.
The issue still is valid though where I need to reboot my RPi or restart Kodi a couple of times each day when the slideshow has frozen or I just get a black screen.
I'm sure most people would be able to tell if this is a known issue without the need for a crystal ball but if you can point me in the right direction of some instructions on how to produce what you're asking for I'm happy to provide you with that information and maybe I can finally stop rebooting/restarting my photo frame all the time
autostart.sh should always start, perhaps that's a better alternative.
Thanks, will keep that in mind.
...and a couple of final touches...
Creating a vbs script that calls the batch file. Adding /MIN to the start command like this start "" /MIN d:\util\putty root@ -pw libreelec -m "D:\Util\Restart Photo Frame.txt"
Both these in order to show as little as possible on the screen when the commands are executed. The content in the vbs script looks like this in my case.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "D:\Util\Restart Photo Frame.cmd" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
As you can see I also renamed both the batch file and text file to Restart Photo Frame.cmd and Restart Photo Frame.txt since I no longer reboot but rather restart Kodi.
Mission accomplished...at least for the time being
Don't I just love Google
All that was needed was to replace the command reboot in Reboot Photo Frame.txt with systemctl restart kodi
Fact is this seems to have fixed issue nr 1 as well (fingers crossed) because I've tried restarting Kodi lots of times and still it hasn't failed once to automatically start the slideshow.
Sorry for the wall of text in the last couple of posts but since I've invested quite an amount of time into having this kind of solution I figured I would share all the details with anyone else looking for the same kind of setup to have a fully automatic photo frame based on a RPi with LibreELEC where you're able to manage everything directly from your Windows 10 PC simply by adding/deleting photos to a folder of your own choice.
Maybe someone wonders why I simply don't just add/remove photos directly to/from the external USB drive attached to my RPi. Reason for this is I like to use the same photos for a screensaver slideshow on my Windows 10 PC and it's very nice when you only have to think of one folder where the rest of the process will be automatic.
Well, time to sit back and relax for a bit and just enjoy what I've accomplished
Thanks again for pushing me in the right direction!
Thanks for your input guys!
After some trial and error I found using a batch file as seen below works really good.
start "" d:\util\putty root@ -pw libreelec -m "D:\Util\Reboot Photo Frame.txt" > NUL
timeout /T 3 > NUL
taskkill /IM putty.exe /f > NUL
Reboot Photo Frame.txt above contains the single command reboot.
My goal with all this is to automatically refresh the slideshow whenever new photos have been added/deleted. I'm using a software called GoodSync to make sure whenever I change anything to the contents in the local folder (on my Windows 10 PC) where I keep the photos I want to show, the same changes are carried out on the external USB drive connected to my RPi running LibreELEC. Then there's an option in GoodSync to execute a command or an application once the job has finished. This is where I execute my batch file seen above that will restart my RPi and Kodi.
I'm also making use of autoexec.py with the below commands to have the slideshow start automatically after a reboot.
import xbmc
The only two things right now that don't work perfectly are:
1. Sometimes it seems autoexec.py isn't executed during Kodi startup because I end up in the main menu rather than having the slideshow start
2. GoodSync gets a bit upset when it's temporarily loosing the network connection to the external USB drive connected to my RPi at the time it reboots
For nr 1 I don't have a clue what is causing it. I would say it's working about 4 out of 5 times so almost seems like some kind of timing issue.
For nr 2 I guess what would be an even better solution is if there was a way to restart Kodi rather than rebooting the RPi. That way the network connection would never be lost and still the slideshow would be refreshed with any new or deleted photos since restarting Kodi is enough to refresh the slideshow. I guess rebooting the RPi is a bit of overkill.
Will give it a go and see if I can find a way to replace the reboot command in my batch file with a simple restart of Kodi instead. With close to zero knowledge of Linux it's lots of trial and error and searching on Google but that's part of the fun
Any further input or tips on both 1 and 2 above would be highly appreciated!
Is there any way to make some kind of script that would reboot my RPi that could be executed from a Windows 10 computer?
Right now I'm doing it manually using Putty but would be great if there was a way to automate it.
Noticed how the slideshow hangs after x amount of time, seems to be when it has been running for at least a couple of hours.
Quickly fixed by simply rebooting but wanted to ask if anyone else seen this and/or if it's a known bug?
I'm running LibreELEC 8.2.5 on a RPi 3 Model B.
I can now answer my own question...below is exactly what needs to be in autoexec.py to automatically start Kodi at reboot.
import xbmc
xbmc.executebuiltin('RecursiveSlideShow(Path to your media)')
If I had the knowledge, I would have loved to add an automatic slideshow refresh option to Kodi that simply checks if any photos were added/removed.
For now I worked around the issue by creating an autoexec.py file where I added the command to start Kodi whenever I reboot my RPi. I then created a crontab job that will reboot the RPi once every day meaning the slideshow will be refreshed once every day as well.
Not the best solution but better than nothing.
I'm trying to figure out how to autostart a slideshow when I restart my RPi 3 Model B running LibreELEC.
I've created a file called autoexec.py in /storage/.kodi/userdata containing the single line below. This works fine as long as I run autoexec.py manually but after what I've been reading this file should be automatically executed during boot. That doesn't seem to happen in my case.
kodi-send --action="RecursiveSlideShow(/var/media/WD1T/Fotoramen)"
Another thing I don't understand is what the correct syntax should be to start the slideshow from within the script. Reason for my question is I've found the line above to work just fine - both when executed manually from the CLI or by running the script. However, I read the syntax to run built-in Kodi functions from within a python scrips is something like this:
Executing that gives me a syntax error when trying to run the autoexec.py script manually.
So...to me it looks using the first line is the way to go. Remaining question is why the script doesn't execute automatically during a reboot.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Does anyone know if there's a way to have Kodi automatically refresh/update what photos will be used for a slideshow without having to manually exit out of the slideshow and then restart it via the Kodi menu?
I'm running LibreELEC/Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with an external USB disk connected. I have this USB disk shared on my network meaning I'm able to drop new photos directly onto it from my Windows 10 computer. However, whenever I do that I have to manually perform the step described above to have Kodi include the newly added photos in the slideshow.
Would be very nice if there was a way to automate this.