Posts by Draghmar

    I have LE on NAND so no Android here. ;) Funny (well maybe not so funny...) but I've seen one 720p file that makes same effect. Shame because I thought that maybe I would give this box to my mother :(

    On my MXQ Pro Quick Play powering down behaves the same - LED remains blue. I didn't check if buttons other then power works after powering down. And it has to power down somehow because AVR loose it's signal.

    Have you manage to do something with this issue?
    I have the same thing on my MXQ Pro Quick Play with build installed on NAND.
    I can't even use KODI in 1080p@50. Only 720p@50. Switching to 1080p makes screen look like from your photo and I have to wait until system restores previous one.
    If I choose video that is in 1080p then it plays in background and there's nothing I can do - no button on remote is working and only thing that can be done is to unplug DC cable. 720p videos works fine.

    You can install using the backup and upgrade thats the only way it worked for me but to reboot into recovery with android use adb and type in reboot recovery. Need to be rooted to use ad b.

    As for the burning tool no you do not need recover. All i have to do is start the app on my computer load the image and click start, then plug in the usb cable into the box. You don't need power the usb port will power the box during flash.

    Oh god...thank you very much :D This procedure seem a little bit unlogical to me. :D But it worked like a charm. I've manage to reinstall some firmware for this device and using "Backup&Recover" install LE. Now I need to check how it works in terms of playing movies. :)

    I'll look at that when I get back from work. Thanks.
    Could you please tell me what is this USB burning tool? Is it this tool? Download Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.4.3 I think there is a problem. I've checked reset button and it looks soldered for me. I found some mark on the motherboard: MXQPRO_V2.1_20151209. But still this button doesn't do anything. Which is a problem because as far I undestand I have to boot device in the recovery mode to use USB Burning Tool. Isnt' that right? Because at the moment this tool can't see my device (I did install drivers during tool instalation). Each tutorial I found says about recovery mode...and that doesn't exists. Is there anything more I could do or should I just trow it away and forget about it?

    You might have to open it to see what board you have. There's a v1 board which has the reset button in the AV slot but it's not soldered so you might need to connect it up to the PC using USB port 4 and USB burning tool to load the proper image for it.
    I haven't been able to get it to load LE from the SD card either. It won't install the zip file for u-boot.

    I'll look at that when I get back from work. Thanks.
    Could you please tell me what is this USB burning tool? Is it this tool? Download Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.4.3

    I found today this build and while waiting for WeTeK Play2 I wanted to try it on some cheap chinese box I bought some time ago to test something. It is MXQ Pro Quick Play.
    I tried both method to initialize LE (toothpick and reboot).
    First one don't want to work - pushing reset button in AV hole won't bring recovery menu.
    I tried to install app that reboot to recovery worked...I mean I did get to the recovery screen but I couldn't start sys from SD. So I thought I would try to flash NAND - failed because of some unmount and mounting problems (didn't get pic and I don't remember what exaclty that was). Yeah...And now when I try to boot I'm getting

    Error in mount_flash: mount_part: Unknown filesystem

    info and cli. Exiting it makes LE logo appear but then there's this error again and that's it. And because I can't get reset button to work like it should I'm not sure what can I do...maybe nothing and the device is bricked but I'd like to know that too.
    Any sugestions? :)