Posts by apoc

    and how can one embed it in a image? ;)

    is this kind off doable for a enthusiast, or does it take a whole lot of extra/additional voodoo?

    It's like until now I can't find any constructive info around the web yet, it's almost some kind of super secret stuff no one is allowed to speech off lol

    ( The first rule is: You do not talk about this. The second rule: You do not talk about this. Third rule:... :-p #fightclub )

    hopefully I didn't overlook a thread asking the same thing, I did look but couldn't find one....

    I did find this, but I don't want to add some kind of package so I guess this is not what I looking for right?

    => Adding a Package []

    I now how to compile a default LE9 build (Compile [])

    Now I'd like to know how I can add a few custom repository add-ons by default, I did try to use one of these as an example: at master · LibreELEC/ · GitHub

    I made a copy of repository.kodinerds and renamed it i.e. repository.customtest
    and changed the file and the resources\addon.xml (in\\packages\addons\repository\).

    But it doesn't get automatically build when I try:

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image

    There is something more to do "I guess", hopefully someone give me some pointers in the right direction?

    OR do I only have to do this next extra step perhaps? ...but this didn't seem to help me...

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm scripts/create_addon all

    With kind regards

    About this cryptocurrency-mining malware, as stated here:

    Kodi add-ons responsible for cryptomining campaign

    Ones Linux build might be infected due to these malicious Kodi dependencies;

    script.module.simplejson (3.4.1) which imports: script.module.python.requests (2.16+). This 'fake fork' of the original script.module.requests runs with malicious code that downloads an executable cryptominer.

    The downloaded OS-appropriate binary downloader module should be located here, as stated in the earlier given url:

    The Windows binary is written to

    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\TrustedInstaller.exe, while the Linux binary is written to /tmp/systems/systemd

    These Linux location isn't in LibreELEC?

    Or is it innanother location?

    With kind regards

    What typo do/did you mean?

    Apart from that (and one typo, which I corrected)

    But no harm is done right?

    Besides the fact that some extra download time was/is added for downloading unnecessary packages before the actual compiler will begin I guess?

    Also be aware that the repo-tool script will download the sources for all packages in the build system; whereas if you allow them to be downloaded at build-time you only download sources for the packages used in the image you create

    I was wondering if this indeed is the correct way to compile the last/latest libreelec 8.2.5, this is what I did:


    Ubuntu (16.x) preparations


    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install gcc make git unzip wget xz-utils
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash


    Had some Perl errors earlier on, so...


    sudo apt-get install libxml-parser-perl
    sudo perl -e shell -MCPAN
    install XML::Parser


    Github cloning (and reverse to 8.2.5)


    cd ~
    git clone -b libreelec-8.2
    cd ~/
    git checkout 8.2.5
    git reset --hard 0beeae9

    Branch librelec-8.2:

    Latest Commit =0beeae9

    Merge Pull Request #2648


    Compile LE825


    PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm tools/download-tool
    PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm IMAGE_SUFFIX=v825 make image


    This does seem to work and function, I was just wondering if I got it the right way, I mean like the correct branch/checkout for the absolute latest/current (stable) libreelec 8.2.5 version.

    Kind regards