Posts by beeswax

    Thanks Hias, yes simply running ir-keytable -p mce_kbd gets the MCE keyboard working. I've combined mce_kbd with rc-6 using:

    ir-keytable -p mce_kbd -p rc-6

    and this now works perfectly with my Harmony Remote which utilises both MCE keyboard and remote commands. The only problem: its getting reset every time the machine reboots - how to make it persist?

    Thank you Hias, I've installed system tools and am seeing lots of lovely input from my MCE keyboard now. This method of detecting input is a little off piste from the Wiki article on setting up IR remotes though, would you mind telling me how I proceed or which sections of the Wiki article are still valid for me to follow?

    This is what it looks like if it helps:

    edit: wait, the output from evtest shows that the ir codes are already being translated to key presses (e.g. KEY_Q) so I don't need to create a keymap do I? I just need to get Kodi to switch to listening on the mce_kb protocol. How do I do that? Or am I completely misunderstanding the evtest output and Wiki article?

    Hi, I'm trying to accomplish what this guy set out to do initially: Other thread. Unfortunately, he gave up and reverted to using an MCE Remote but I'd like to know if it's actually possible.

    I'm using an Intel NUC i3 34010WYB and the most recent Kodi 18 test build (#0425, 25-Apr-2018). I have a Logitech Harmony remote which is programmed to act as a hybrid MCE Remote/Keyboard. My ir-keytable output looks like this:

    NUCElec:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event9) with:
            Driver: nuvoton-cir, table: rc-rc6-mce
            lirc device: /dev/lirc0
            Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp
            Enabled protocols: lirc rc-6
            Name: Nuvoton w836x7hg Infrared Remote
            bus: 25, vendor/product: 1050:00c3, version: 0x0033
            Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    I'm following the Infrared Remotes section of the Wiki and assumed when I set ir-keytable to use the mce-kbd protocol, I'd see some input being logged but it doesn't detect anything. I actually have a proper MCE Keyboard here too and that doesn't get detected either, not the letter, not the direction keys or any of the MCE specific keys. I don't mind going to the effort of creating a custom keymap but as I understand it, I can't unless ir-keytable actually sees something from the keyboard. Can anyone help?

    edit: ir-ctl -r does produce lots of pulses and spaces when tapping away on the MCE keyboard but the Wiki article doesn't go into any detail about how to proceed from there.