Posts by DoDe

    Hi @,

    I would like to inform you that in the "LibreELEC master (v8.0) + Kodi 17.0 alpha 2" build if I set in the Settings -> Interface -> Other -> Startp windows the TV option then whenever I startup the system it will start with black screen. To exit this situation I have to choose on my remote on of the buttons responsable for the media (ex. button for movies or serials or music).


    Well thanks to misek from Solidrun forum I got the workaround. Here's the solution:

    "Because kernel module for NTFS filesystem is enabled it is used instead of ntfs-3g.

    You can fix the issue with blacklisting the module using ssh console:

    echo "blacklist ntfs" >> /storage/.config/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

    After reboot your ntfs system will be writable again.

    Next image will have this fixed."

    Hope to help others.

    Reconnect the NTFS drive to a Windows box and run chkdsk.exe, then disconnect correctly to ensure the filesystem is "clean" because if the filesystem is not clean Linux will mount the drive read-only ~ and that would explain why nothing can be copied to the drive over the network.

    Unfortunately that didn't help.
    When I switch to openELEC microSD card it writes corectly. Only in libreELEC I get this issue.


    Hi all,

    I just installed libreELEC on my cuboxtv.
    To this cuboxtv I have a HDD connected throw USB.
    Whenever I try to write something to HDD from my PC by accessing the cubox throw IP address I receive an access denied.
    Please tell me how to change this.

    ps. I have no knowledge of linux command.
