Posts by Ketterer

    well for the time being i think ill have to go the old school route, as im giving my inlaws the box friday morning.
    I have already added quite a few other scripts and services to help me help them this was/is the final herdle to make it totally hands off for them, but I already learned to make simple udev rules, learned some new abilities of systemd services (being able to pass argements to a script) and furthered my scripting knowledge, but learning to build, test and deploy this seems a little much for spare time today and tommorrow lol

    thanks tho, and i may still try this, but for a later date

    I was really looking for a simple "workaround" I was hoping to be able to just either write a small addon or add the following to a cron to acheive basic upnp fort forwarding:

    upnpc -e 'SSH on Raspberry Pi' -r 22 2222 tcpupnpc

    But from the shell i can not seem to be able to run upnpc. I installed tinc, and after a reboot that seems to work, but why not upnpc?

    ok i found that tinc is located in /storage/.kodi/addons/http://service.system.tinc/bin/tinc but i dont think miniupnp is installed as there is no addon corrosponding to it?

    well, now i feel really dumb, i didnt know there was any way to install anything extra. Now I have to ask, how am i able to install them. It seemed that i could install through addons libreelec repo and then install tinc, i thought that would install both (as i understand tinc depends on miniupnp). After doing this i can not access them over ssh(locally right now).maybe its a problem of where do they get run from?

    Hello I've set up a great libreelec box for my inlaws. I really want to be able to support them after I give it to them. My first option was to use noobs with rasbian and libreelec. So get them to bit rasbian, use teamviewer to get into rasbian then forward ports (provided I can get an admin password for router). I've ashtray written a small Kodi add-on to call a bash script to display external IP as a notification in Kodi.

    That got me thinking, could I just set up ssh to use upnp IGP. Well then I found miniupnp but it is not installed on libreelec. Is it at all possible to add this small utility? It has no real Diegans as far as I can tell.

    I have compiled software before, but using a guide I don't actually know how. I do understand basic programming, bash scriptting if necessary.

    Let me know if anyone thinks this is possible, and if so how?