Posts by Minihawk


    i had LibreElec running for some month. Then something went wrong with the SD-card, and it was not running fully anymore.

    So i reinstalled the complete software and imported the kodi database afterwards.

    Everything is running OK, but i have a problem when powering my media-devices.

    I have a Telefunken TV, and with the old installation, the Raspberry Pi was started, there was no need to start it with the HDMI enabled on the TV, it could start with the TV switched off, and later i could switch on the TV, navigate to the HDMI, and could see my Kodi.

    Now, i need to start the Pi with the TV on and with the HDMI enabled, otherwise there is no display. I need to restart the pi each time by unpowering and repowering it.

    Any solution for this? What can i change with settings to be able to start the Pi without a connected TV?

    Thanks a lot.