Posts by john1122


    After reformatting my SD, resinstalling Librelec, and performing a data restauration, Libreelec keeps crashing at the boot screen (where Libreelec logo is displayed).

    I repeated twice the full operation, and it lead everytime to the same outcome.

    Backup & Restore history:

    I have a Rpi 2B and had installed on my SD 3 different OSes, including a working install of Libreelec 8.2.4.

    I wanted to add one OS to the SD, and made a backup of Libreelec through the dedicated tool in Libreelec settings menu. The tar archive created is weighting about 1.4 GB and is located on an external hard drive connected on a USB hub which is in turn connected to the Rpi.

    I formatted the SD, installed PINN and the various OSes with it (including Libreelec 8.2.4 on a 13GB partition).

    First boot on Libreelec: so slow that it was totally unusable (with red and green LED on the Rpi continuously lit up). I unplug the power supply.

    Second boot on Libreelec: very slow but usable. I unplug the power supply

    Third boot on Librelec: perfectly usable, as it has always been for me before. I activated SSH and proceeded to the Restore. Restore is complete and ask for reboot. I click on "Yes" and the Rpi reboots.

    On the boot screen are displayed a few lines on the top left corner, and the word "Restoring" with is animated. Another reboot and when coming back on the same Libreelec boot screen, in the top left corner is only written "Libreelec 8.2.4", and it is now getting stuck there at every reboot (with Rpi red and green LED continuously lit up.

    Other info:

    - When trying to connect to SSH the console does not answer (no error, but no anwer) and so I could get any interesting log (via dmesg | paste).

    - The partition may be smaller this time than in my previous instal (but not that far if so)

    Would you know :

    1) any solution to debug the restored install ?

    2) any way to reinstall and restore making it work ?