Folks over at CE lack the kernel development skills to architect and solve those problems which is why they've flip-flopped between kszaq, osmc and our older kernel in the hope they find something that works.
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You are just a tiny bit of a Jerk aren’t you.
FLip Flop all over your attitude mate, pull ya head in.
Posts by RobertFlambour
Your welcome 😊
Yes, count me in on a thanks as well, I think I’m going to purchase one of these Vero 4K boxes as well based on your advice and it’s also on sale.
I can boot LE from usb on my kiii pro just fine.For me 8.90.6 is running smoothly with little to no problems.Thank you for all your efforts GDPR-2 .
I had a few issues with playback and black screens on a Minix U1 with this latest build, but the previous one is running very smoothly.
I ran chromebox for a long while installing daily Milhouse builds and you cannot expect them to be perfect, it’s just stupid.
If you are running beta, let alone alpha versions of software and all you do is complain that they don’t work, you are not helping anyone.
I noticed most people in the Milhouse threads offered constructive feedback and helped with bug checking, why can’t the amlogic threads be the same?
So hats off to GDPR-2 for all his work to date.