Posts by jor2404

    In your iptv.m3u.cache,your tvg-id is empty you have to enter that...and always go to Pvr & Live TV settings in kodi settings and Clear data when you make changes to your webgrab or playlist otherwise the cached playlist will not update the changes into iptv.m3u.cache. Do you know if it is possible?

    The problem is that my list is loaded from an URL so I don´t know if I can make changes

    Resuming this thread.

    I can´t make it work.

    For example in my WebGrab++.config.xml i have this:

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="TVE" xmltv_id="ES:LA 1">ES:LA 1</channel>

    And in my iptv simple iptv.m3u.cache I have this:

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="ES:LA 1" tvg-logo="" group-title="CANALES ESPANA",ES:LA 1

    But I can´t see epg information for any channel.

    Is this channel configuration right?

    The laguiatv files seem disfunctional here, too.

    Report that at webgrabplus.

    In the meantime work.

    I fix it using Now my problem is that the name of the channels from the guide.xml doesn´t match with the ones form my iptv because all of them starts with the prefix "ES:". How can I fix this?

    Hi, I am trying to use this addon but I have problems creating the epg file, it hasn´t channels but the one by default. Here is my log