Posts by DarzLir

    Try with

    mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/abc -o user=user,pass=password,dom=domain

    Or try this

    Mounting network shares []

    Using the Wiki I did everything but when I check status...

    the "***" is my pass.

    It seems that I am on the right path but there is something that I can't with my server

    niabi Hello and thanks for this!

    I have installed your image at nand and works very fine! But sometimes I am a little comfortable and I would like to be able to read the roms from my server.

    They are in \\NORMANDYSERVER\roms, but adding that path to the es_systems.cfg file doesn't detect anything, the sx05reroms file is there, trying rebooting but no success

    I've been reading something about mounting the unit in samba, but I'm a denier with linux and I'm a little confuse... How should I proceed to read the folder where the roms are? I suppose that in retroarch I could also explore this folder and choose to save the states there to continue them on my pc for example?

    Thanks again for this!