Posts by GDPR-7

    True, however, Seagate provide a utility so you can tell the HDD to go to sleep after inactivity - I've set it to 15 minutes so having left it to copy 4TB overnight it was sleeping when I came back, turned the PC off and disconnected.

    yup, the disk fall to sleep, but, even when the Windows box hibernated [2], the disk might be still seen as mounted - I guess -.

    "disk sleep" is different from "disk unmounted"

    Try, if the Window has hibernated, to start the box WITH the disk still plugged and then disconnect the disk via right clicking on the USB icon in the right task bar area and something like "safely remove ..." or similar ... [1]

    reconnect the disk to see if it's still seen as corrupt


    dito suggested for LE:

    either do it on a command line via "umount /dev/sd? " with a maybe one or two prior "sync" command(s)


    shut down LE via power menu

    then the shutdown process cleanly unmounts the disk for you


    if you're running your windows on an SSD you do NOT have much benefits, apart from "could carry on the work where you left it (apps still running), doing hibernation.

    search for "SSD wear leveling"

    My PS: any views on ExFAT vs NTFS?

    there exists a comparison of filesystems in wikipedia, search for it

    How about Asus Xonar series? Will it works?

    usually the way to figure this should be a google search string "linux Asus Xonar" or better "linux <correct device vendor naming here >"

    but be aware: vendor sometimes changes chips/etc. and sell the stuff with the same product name.

    so you should check how current it is what google have found

    as chewitt said:

    I would buy one with warranted(!) exchange (and for the worst case: money back) and test with a usb stick

    I can't answer your question, but I've seen similar (NOT running DRMPrime !): green or blue screens while audio is playing

    my fix was:

    - when the video is playing

    - press Enter key

    - move to the most right

    - press enter

    - adjust - I guess - it was "resolution"

    can't remember if I switch temp. to another channel, adjusted it there and switch back to the problematic one.

    in my case: I had only some minor attempts before the box crashed/restarted

    don't know if it will help here too I don't use DRMPrime cause - AFAIK - it's decoding (?) in software not hardware

    => O-key while running the channel

    However, if I stop the stream and then start the next episode, the issue seems to not happen.

    thinking about your issue some more:

    I could image that sort of a buffer/mechanic/cache in LE/Kodi "see's" an error or such and could self repair/heal it for some amount of time until it can't anymore ( after playing a movie for 40 min ?)

    maybe this:

    2022-08-09 18:34:51.981 T:797 DEBUG <general>: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error of -94.787318, start adjusting

    I could image that this error increases of time and self healing mechanics take all the power, resources (here: somehow not the CPU) are "contentrated" on audio processing and lowered on video until audio catches up. all power goes again on previous lowered video processing and you'll notice a (temp. ? ) speedup in video play.

    IOW: the box seems to "loop" somehow somewhere on audio/video/etc. processing...

    Questions (cause I couldn't fetch it out of your description)

    - test allways with the same video ! -

    1. what happens with local videos (otherwise smb seems to be involed) ?

    2. when playing a video and the issue occured, does the same video after a restart of the video play without issues then ?
    3. and if so: does the first occurence of the issue always happen when the box was fresh started and it was the first video play (of the day)


    a buffer/cache/? isn't "configures" after the start of the box and somehow it is "set correct" after the issue occured

    maybe debugging on components (audio/video/etc) ?

    so that the 2.4-Wifi and the 5.0-Wifi have their own names

    I guess this has some disadvantages (assuming a wifi device can't dynamically switch between 2 SID's ("wifi names" )

    - you do not have a backup wifi (the 5 GHz band) if your RPi looses the 2.4 wifi (assuming LE doesn't let you configure 2 SID's with diff. password)

    - same goes for all you other devices esp. when moving the device out (and in) a range of the different wifi bands (2.4, 5)

    - you need to configure *all* your wifi device for your special two SID to further have the benefits of each wifi band, what are:

    5 GHz: higher speed on short distance

    2.4 GHz: relative - compared to 5 GHz - lower speed, but on longer distance where 5 GHz isn't reachable anymore

    think of a smartphone playing a movie from internet connected to 5 Wifi and moving with it into your garden...

    with your single SID's. (and having configured both wifi bands) you will notice a *sensible* interrupt of the internet connection, e.g. for password exchange/verify, DHCP, etc. after loosing 5 GHz and connecting to the 2.4 GHz

    with same SID's (and one password for both wifi bands) you'll have a interrupt too, but in a best case you won't notice it.

    means: at best you internet movie keep playing with a maybe short hickup during moving your smartphone into the garden

    here it's just switching the wifi band without password verify and DHCP, etc. involved

    more to read:

    AVM erklärt WLAN Mesh Steering | AVM Deutschland

    Why must people make these kinds of comments?

    *I* answered this question already exactly in my comment and please don't overread the word "YMMV" !

    what's undeclared for you seems to be the word "must"

    well, the/my deep meaning is "buried" in what I want to archive or what my real intention was.

    so please think (again) about it

    1. Hint: it's surely NOT to remove posters from this list or harm them or such !

    2. Hint: you might "backup" or "verify" your theory after reading *all* my comments I made in this forum the last years and of course find the red line in all of them.


    To where, in the Profile directory, do I copy the file?

    AFAIK, file should be copied to /storage/.kodi/userdata/

    via LE file manager:

    hints for LE filemanager:

    * moving goes via cursor keys

    * "actions" goes via context menu => press the "C" -key

    - you need to have "show hidden files and directory" active

    - you need to have "show add source button" active (don't know if it is default there)


    => LE config Addon => Media => General => "..."

    in filemanager:

    - you need to have the folder "storage" on the left side (don't know if it is default there, if NOT: => Add Source ...)

    - you need to have /var/media/ or where the stick is mounted on the other side

    - highlight the file you want to copy

    - press the C -key (for context menu)


    via ssh and mc:

    hint for mc:

    * switching between sides: via TAB key

    - login via ssh

    - type "mc"

    - on the left side: move via cursor keys into /storage/.kodi/userdata/

    - on the right side: move via cursor keys into /var/media/ (or to mount point where the usb stick is mounted)

    - highlight your file you want to copy

    - press F5 key (for copy between sides)

    - F10 (to close mc)

    - reboot


    - watch your kodi.log if all went smooth with your advancedsettings.xml


    windows text files have CR/LF

    unix text files have an CR only

    don't know if this has a impact here ...