I found something about the w10 pc not being visible on the network!
h tt ps: //w w http://w.ghacks.net/2018/04/17/fix…n-1803-upgrade/
I found something about the w10 pc not being visible on the network!
h tt ps: //w w http://w.ghacks.net/2018/04/17/fix…n-1803-upgrade/
What script are you currently using? I noticed that this topic has no speed control, and the noise is rather loud.
I suppose there is something wrong with the script, because although it works as autoexec.py I did not notice fan speed variation according to temperature increase, at the moment I will use the scripts already posted in this topic, because it works correctly for me.
Thank you friend!
Yes! take a look
http:// w ww. instruc tables.com/ id/PWM-Regulated-Fan -Based-on-CPU-Temperature-for-Ras/
sorry, I do not know if the forum accepts third-party links, contains some spaces
I found a script where it also controls the fan speed, rename with autoexec.py in the userdata folder it works ok, but when using other gpio pins, it causes the script to stop. Here's the py script:
[anexo = 3178] [/ attach]
for some reason I can not succeed in autostart for this script:
Description = PWM Fan Control
After = mediacenter.service
Type = simple
ExecStart = / usr / bin / python /storage/fan/cooler.py
Restart = always
WantedBy = default.target
Path: /storage/.config/system.d/fanctrl.service
What is wrong?