Posts by Softlander


    So I have a Raspberry Pi 3 now connected to the TT Connect s2-4600 with the official power supply and a 16GB microSD Card with latest Noobs installed on it and I have now a dual boot with Raspbian and Librelec.

    On Libreelec I have managed to Install Tvheadend 4.2 and Tvheadend HTSP Client and then Rebooted the system.

    After that I made sure the the PSU of the tuner is working by checking it using voltmeter. and I have checked /lib/firmware and I have found the three files that are related to the device installed already

    1- dvb-fe-ds300x.fw

    2- dvb-fe-ds3103.fw

    3- dvb-demod-m88ds3103.fw

    And the result is : The device "does not" work, it has not been detected by tvheadend when I accessed it using mozilla Firefox from windows. Tvheadend worked but I did not find the device listed under DVB Inputs. Same case with Raspbian+tvheadend

    So I have tried to install the drivers myself (I have installed linux headers and found build essentials already installed)

    sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers

    but: "s2-TT4600-linux-20120815" and "liplianin-s2-liplianin-v37-67ce08afdbe7" and "liplianin-s2-liplianin-v39-4c01a16b6237" did not work. I am not an expert in Linux but I think these Drivers have been made for older Kernels.

    worked for me O_o

    not saying there is no bug, but no problems so far

    How did you install the driver. Was it plug and play?

    Here are some INFO using PuTTY during SSH with the Pi. Any ideas. Thanks to everyone.