Posts by capitansquid

    Hi, I'm trying to set up the libreelec "just how I like it" and have hit a wall as I can't find the info on how to do what I want to do. Hoping someone can send me to the faq/wiki/forum that would help.

    I set up libreelec on a raspberry pi3, have connected a nice large USB drive as a media folder for everything (so far so good). I've (tried) to set up samba aaand here's where the snag hit.

    I'd like to be able to transfer files to AND from that folder from other devices (not just the pi) and ideally I'd like some sort of password security (but I can live w/out that for now).

    I can ACCESS everything on the pi and the USB drive just fine. I can modify stuff, copy stuff, delete stuff.
    BUT, the second I try to copy stuff TO it (via the network) it hangs. It tries, but then I get a network error and it dies. When I look on the drive, it shows a file, with proper filename and size but if I try to play it on the pi, nothing happens, if I try to play it via network, nothing happens. It will allow me to delete the files via network.

    Also, if I try setting SAMBA security via SYSTEM--> libreelec -->Services --->Use Samba Password Authentication

    It locks it up nice, but if I try to access it via my laptop it says the username or password is incorrect. (goes back to being able to access things once I deactivate that setting).

    Where can I find the info for setting this up?
