Posts by lotte67890

    Ok, I fixed it:
    I created "/storage/.config/rc_keymaps/xbox_one.toml" with the following content (please get rid of the space between [ [ before protocols):
    [syntax] [ [protocols]]
    name = "Xbox One"
    protocol = "nec"
    variant = "necx"
    0x80d864 = "KEY_HOME"
    0x80d820 = "KEY_LEFT"
    0x80d821 = "KEY_RIGHT"
    0x80d81e = "KEY_UP"
    0x80d81f = "KEY_DOWN"
    0x80d822 = "KEY_OK"
    0x80d823 = "KEY_EXIT"
    0x80d80e = "KEY_MUTE"
    0x80d810 = "KEY_VOLUMEUP"
    0x80d811 = "KEY_VOLUMEDOWN"
    0x80d812 = "KEY_CHANNELUP"
    0x80d813 = "KEY_CHANNELDOWN"
    0x80d814 = "KEY_FASTFORWARD"
    0x80d815 = "KEY_REWIND"
    0x80d870 = "KEY_PLAYPAUSE"
    0x80d819 = "KEY_STOP"
    0x80d81a = "KEY_NEXT"
    0x80d81b = "KEY_PREVIOUS"
    0x80d826 = "KEY_INFO"
    0x80d86e = "KEY_FULL_SCREEN"
    0x80d86f = "KEY_CONTEXT_MENU" [/syntax]

    and "/storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml" with:
    [syntax]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- This file contains the mapping of LIRC keys to XBMC keys used in Keymap.xml -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- How to add remotes -->
    <!-- <remote device="name_Lirc_calls_the_remote"> -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- For the commands the layout following layout is used -->
    <!-- <XBMC_COMMAND>LircButtonName</XBMC_COMMAND> -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- For a list of XBMC_COMMAND's check out the <remote> sections of keymap.xml -->

    <remote device="devinput">

    Well, it might have been a problem with my hifiberry. I installed it back to my old RPI4 libreelec installation and the hifiberry died after a couple of minutes. So if it comes to further testing, I will not be able to do help, I think I will switch to an external DAC...

    Thank you anyway


    Hi, on my RPI 5 with LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.95.2 release installed I am unable to use the zoom button on my xbox one remote the ZOOM function does not work. In the first place I did not touch anything as I read and know that these remotes work out of the box. I even checked against my "toml" file on my older RPI running Libreelec 9.2.

    I can map every other function to the button (the upperst left) which works or use any other button for the KEY_ZOOM, no chance, I can not switch to fullscreen when I am on any other screen. Anyone got this working?

    Thanks in advance

    Well, sorry and sad to say, the hifiberry stopped working. On both of the releases, the nightly and the LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.95.2. Yes I was playing around, but only with the keymapping of the lirc remote. And this only on LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.95.2 release, the nightly was untouched since it worked this morning.

    Same errors as before in dmesg and kodi.log. I first was thinking that the hifiberry might be broken, so I attached it again to my RPI4 which still has the configuration I used over the last years, and voila, works as usual.

    I have no clue what is going... Maybe I give it another try on the weekend...

    Hi Hias, thanks a lot for your reply. I got it working! All I needed to do, is to not have the dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplushd  in the config file. So if I would have not edited the config in the first place I would have not ran into trouble.

    This works for both, the nightly fro 2024 04 24 and for the LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.95.2

    Maybe it is worth a note before others run in the same error.



    Well same here, Im using LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.95.2.img.gz with a RPI5 and a hifiberry dacplushd sndcard, no audio at all.

    When playing Audio dmesg continually says:

    dma dma2chan0: dma2chan0 is non-idle!
    dma dma2chan0: dma2chan0 failed to stop

    In the Kodi log it reads:

    I also tried with a fresh "2024-03-15-raspios-bookworm-arm64", which behaved the same in the first place but after replacing




    it worked fine.

    On Libreelec I also tried with force_eeprom_read=0, disabled dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17 and hdmi_drive=1 without any difference.

    In the end I would prefer going with LIBREELEC, but without Audio it makes no sense...

    Any hints?

    Thanks in advance

    Ok, I found the cause, when I use HDMI as Audio output the delay is gone. My default Audio device is an USB Audio DAC. Nevertheless I wonder why this slows down channel switching. It does not happen when playing Music or watching local or remote Video.

    Any suggestions are welcome.



    Well, I can see the idle cpu frequence is 750MHZ and while channel switching is active I can see:

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq 

    As said, not even a fresh install or Libreelec 10.0.1 changes this behaviour.

    My config.txt is:

    @JO thanks for the hint, but the first thing I tried was using the installation from the PI3, after that I tried with a fresh install, SSD, and so on.. No changes...

    Are my GPU Memory settings to high?

    Hi, I´m kind of annoyed that TV channel switching with the Pi 4 takes much longer than with my previous Pi 3B (no +). I´m currently running libreelec 9.2.8, tvheadend 4.2 with a Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home III, same as I used with the Pi 3B. Channel switching takes around 7 seconds and used to be approx. 1-2 seconds with the Pi 3B.

    I already tried with a different SD, fresh install, running the OS from a SSD, Libreelec 10.0.1 and a second Pi 4 with 2GB instead 4GB, same behaviour with all methods.

    Does anybody experience the same behaviour or has an idea how I can speed up channel switching?

    Thanks in advance


    Cheerio, have the problem that most of the movies in my library are listed twice when I look at them under Movies/Titles. I have no clue why... I assume that the information about the movies is coming from different providers, but can´t find where to choose just one information provider.

    Any hint is appreciated.

    Thanks a lot
