Posts by ross232


    Apologies if this has been asked before. I'm using Comskip on my Raspberry Pi 3 running LibreELEC.

    I'd like to use it's hardware decode feature which uses the mmal decoders (mpeg2_mmal, h264_mmal, mpeg4_mmal and vc1_mmal). It doesn't look like LibreElec's ffmpeg (in 8.2.2) has been compiled with support for these.

    I'm happy to submit a pull request with these changes to the ffmpeg package - just wondering what caveats there are to this?

    These are the parameters required:

    --enable-mmal --enable-decoder=mpeg2_mmal --enable-decoder=mpeg4_mmal --enable-decoder=h264_mmal --enable-decoder=vc1_mmal --enable-omx-rpi --enable-encoder=h264_omx

