good morning dears . yesterday after a fresh install of le on sd card with vfd628 i confirm that work well with icons and the tv channels work very well. Thanks all !!!!
Posts by hashmaker
I just realize that i have problem with playing any kind of tv channels from tvheadend . in full screen appear all green ?
how can i solve it?
maybe in my test i had some wrong and now the wifi dont work in libreelec and android too . but this is not a problem cause i ever use ethernet
Awesome. Could you post the DTB that works for you? We'll later upload it to the repository.
With a S905 and not S905X you may need a different device tree (I don't know), but we need to look at the fd628_dev folder from your Android and the device tree that you are using with LE.
yes heres my dtb that work , but without wifi now. lcd show the clock and all icons in the correct format!!! really thanks to all
[User = '17320'] hashmaker [/ user]
/ scrollata di spalleMi spiace dirlo, ma il DTB che ho inviato oggi dovrebbe funzionare. I valori sembrano identici alla mia scatola.
Non ci sono errori del kernel. Sia il DTB estratto che il file fd628_dev lo confermano.
I pin sono clk = 5, dat = 4, stb = 3 sulla porta gpio-ao.
i dont know what im doing but yes ... now it working :o omg youre the king!!!!!!!!!
The files are empty. Make sure you copy the folder properly out of android before you zip it.
im sorry try this one
and this maybe is the dtb extracted from android
1. Boot into Android.
2. Use 'Root Explorer' to go to /proc/device-tree/fd628_aml' (or something with fd628).
3. Copy this folder, zip it and post it.
The DTS I sent is almost correct (no dmesg errors), now we just need to know which pins the LCD is connected to on the SoC. The device tree in Android will tell us that.
Ok, can you post the device tree folder from Android?
how i can do ? directy from nand or from a ota update ?
add ; after fd628_display_type = /bits/ 32 <1>
It has to be like this:
fd628_display_type = /bits/ 32 <1>;
i do it. start but ever with no lcd . the dmesg with actual i just see that havent any fd628 references
Ok, try this one.
sintax error when i try to dtc
Please attach the DTS file and I'll see if I can help you.
You have a T95M 1GB RAM?
Also post dmesg log. (SSH into the box, type in 'dmesg | paste'. Then copy the link here.
here i'm this is the link at my dmesg. I just realize that the wifi dont work , however is not a problem cause ever i prefer ethernet
I have some news . Im able to decompile my le dtb.img and adding the fd628 codes into.
Now it start but (offcourse) without the lcd cause i dont know the right values from gpio pin
In some other post the friend the cooler say me about it. but i dont understand well.
Where im looking for put my values? I think this is the only i miss for working this clock
Inglese, per favore, non posso leggere una parola di spagnolo o qualunque lingua sia
I'm sorry is the automatic translator that translate in italian evry time
... however im asking about my dtb.img if there is any news about. Just for remember the m8s pro 4k . Some post ago i send you the dtb.img
And if you want i give you access on this box via ssh . really thanks for the time and patience
[utente = '17320'] hashmaker [/ utente] carica il tuo albero di dispositivo Android e dicci quale dispositivo hai, può aiutare un restringere alcune cose
Caro adamg hai notizie sul mio dtb.img? stavo postando il mio box-specs e il dtb.img da Android. Scusate non sarò fastidioso questo è solo per sapere notizie su di esso. Davvero grazie per l'interessante
io posso be a tester if u want
had a couple of crashes.
If I enable debug logging, some info is overlaid on the screen - that isn't go to wash with the missus when we're watching something!
I'm watching media off a USB Hard drive. Is it possible that there isn't enough current being supplied from the box?
I ask this as yesterday, post crash, I could still ssh into the box.
M8s pro l.
USB hard disks need more power amp. so is right to use the 5v 4 amp adaptor
[utente = '17320'] hashmaker [/ utente] carica il tuo albero di dispositivo Android e dicci quale dispositivo hai, può aiutare un restringere alcune cose
Ho un m8s pro 4k. se apro la scatola sulla scheda madre è presente una chiavetta: T95m-1gb-8189 -9082c-v6
[Allegare = 2.743] [/ Allegare]
if can help i can boot le with all the gxl_p212_1g with no issue (ethernet , wifi , no lag on viewing ) just the display dont work
If you have linux on a computer, you can install 'dtc', it's a device tree compiler.You'll be able to decompile your device tree, add the bit you need for the display and compile it back into a binary the box can use.
just installed dtc on linux machine. now i need original dtb.img from android or is good the last one i used for booting le?
yes i have a linux pc. I'm just searching about dtc tutorials . Thanks . Im replying for more info about