Posts by stiltsky

    In LE 8.2.2 those options are available in Kodi settings > services > smb client> configure minimum/maximum client protocol as SMB1 and enable "legacy security" and you get the same thing.

    Thank i set these as described and still no joy with the hard drive showing up, i can see the hard drive from my windows pc's it's so frustrating but from libreelec no joy. I tried through winscp to see if the hd was definitely mounted and it showed ;

    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

    devtmpfs 807.2M 122.6M 684.7M 15% /dev

    /dev/mmcblk0p1 511.7M 138.3M 373.4M 27% /flash

    /dev/mmcblk0p2 28.4G 810.3M 27.6G 3% /storage

    /dev/loop0 122.6M 122.6M 0 100% /

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /dev/shm

    tmpfs 908.9M 7.9M 900.9M 1% /run

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup

    tmpfs 908.9M 2.0M 906.9M 0% /var

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /tmp

    the hard drive is a 4tb so i don't think that is displaying properly no?

    • "Some router and NAS devices have proprietary SMB1 implementations that do not support NTLMv2 and forcing SMB1 still results in a refused connection. This is normally resolved by adding client NTLMv2 auth = no and client use spnego = no to /storage/.kodi/.smb/user.conf before rebooting. In a future LibreELEC release we will make this configurable within the Kodi settings GUI."

    The above might be my issue but my libreelec is on a bootable sd card and the only files on it when i enter the card on my pc are kernel system and boot. Nothing in relation to the above storage/kodi/smb/user.conf. Can anyone add anything to help?

    Hi guys i'm somewhat computer illiterate but am hoping someone can help me, i've been reading/googling/trying different methods for around 4 hours on the subject now.

    I have an odroid c2 connected via ethernet to my downstairs tv, the connection is fine. The odroid runs librelec latest version. I have a usb hard drive attached to my router with movies on that i want to access on the tv.

    I have a laptop in the house and a main pc in the house that can both access the movies section via windows explorer on the said usb hard drive attached to router, for the life of me i cannot get the libreelec to show the movies folder on the hard drive. I have read about the smb 1 issue with previous versions of libreelec, i have ticked the box saying wait for network, also the one saying enable samba password. The passwords do confuse me i must admit, is it the zyxel router one that i enter when i add new network connection in smb in librelec? all variations of this don't work.

    I refuse to give up on getting this working but don't know how much more i can take!

    Any help much appreciated.
