Posts by efa2

    changing parameters in config.txt doesn't worked for me.

    I changed the vertical refresh rate in Kodi from 60 Hz to 59.94 Hz, wait time on refresh update to 2 s, plus resolution from DESKTOP to 1680x1050 and now work with my Philips TV.

    Anyway it is bad that old LibreElec 16.1 worked well without this hack, while the new version black the screen after the LibreElec splash

    I had an old Rpi1B, just updated to LibreELEC to 8.2.1 with Kodi 17.6, and I experience this trouble (old 16.1 worked well).

    Swithing ON the Pi, the Philips TV automatically select HDMI1 and show the NOOB and LibreELEC splash screen, but them only black screen.

    Selecting again with TV remote controller the INPUT selector to HDMI1 (require to cycle all the inputs) the Kodi interface is shown.

    Now I will try your work around, certainly better, thank you.

    I just updated LibreELEC to 8.2.1 with Kodi 17.6

    When it see the internet connection, say me there are update available (with both auto and manual update) with an info pop-up.

    But apparently it never do the update.
    I cannot find a menù option to start the update, neither with Auto update or Manual update.

    How to force the update?

    thanks, yesterday I already downloaded 8.2.1 .img.gz file, so I uncompress it, it is sized 575 MB.

    I enlarget a little the LibreELEC home partition:

    $ lsblk
    sdc8   512M vfat     LIBREELEC     /media/efa/LIBREELEC
    sdc9   668M ext4     LibreELEChome /media/efa/LibreELEChome
    $ df -h
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdc8       512M  142M  370M  28% /media/efa/LIBREELEC/dev/sdc9       625M   12M  567M   2% /media/efa/LibreELEChome

    copy the .img file there by my PC, on next reboot it can skip the uncompress stage, and go directly to update kernel and system.

    Worked, thank you for he hint.

    It's a pity that is just released 8.2.2

    now I figured out that '/os' directory is present on both NOOBS partitions:

    /RECOVERY/os   /dev/mmcblk0p1
    /SETTINGS/os   /dev/mmcblk0p5

    and install instruction at:

    downloads – LibreELEC

    does not clarify which is to be used.

    Apparently RECOVERY is for OS images to be installed, while SETTINGS contain the already installed OS.

    So I tryed to copy the untarred file 'LibreELEC-RPi.arm-8.2.1-noobs.tar' directory 'LibreELEC_RPi' to '/RECOVERY/os/' directory.

    On reboot it show the multiboot menù selection, but selecting LibreELEC start the old 7.0.2 and do not start the update process.

    on Kodi 16.1 I tryed to set Connection to Manual instead of DHCP, and set a static IP.

    When I disconnect the net and reconnect the cable, it back to auto/DHCP.

    I'm using USB tethering on a mobile, so I haven't a real DHCP server, and the resulting Kodi IP is everytime different.

    How to fix the connection to Manual/static IP, and disable the DHCP ?

    for completeness here the available space on the partitions:

    Partition  Size Avail Use% FS     Label         Mounted on
    sdb        7,3G
    +-sdb1     1,1G   92M  92% fat32  RECOVERY      /media/efa/RECOVERY
    +-sdb2     6,2G            extend
    +-sdb5     131M  2,2M  99% ext4   SETTINGS      /media/efa/SETTINGS
    +-sdb6      63M   42M  34% fat16  boot          /media/efa/boot
    +-sdb7     5,0G  494M  90% ext4   RaspbianRoot  /media/efa/RaspbianRoot
    +-sdb8     512M  384M  26% fat16  LIBREELEC     /media/efa/LIBREELEC
    +-sdb9     512M  427M   3% ext4   LibreELEChome /media/efa/LibreELEChome

    Solution #1: It's admirable and expected, but just let LibreELEC do the untarring and subsequent updating ;)

    expected as instructions for NOOBS at:

    downloads – LibreELEC

    explicitly say to "unpack it to the /os folder".

    Anyway I just copied 'LibreELEC-RPi.arm-8.2.1-noobs.tar' to '/SETTINGS/os/' directory.

    On reboot it show the multiboot menù selection, but selecting LibreELEC start the old 7.0.2 and do not start the update process.

    How to force the update using Noobs?


    I'm new in this forum.

    I tryed to search for update but results a lot unrelated questions, so post a new thread.

    I had a very old RPi 1B to be used mainly as media player with a 8 GB SD and remote controller:

    SODIAL(TM) Mouse USB senza filo con telecomando per PC: Elettronica

    There is Noobs to dual boot Raspbian (fully updated) and LibreELEC 7.0.2 and Kodi 16.1 that I never updated as it work.

    Yesterday I tryed to update LE, following the instruction at:

    downloads – LibreELEC

    1) first attempt I downloaded:


    untarred the file and copyed the directory 'LibreELEC_RPi' to /SETTINGS/os/ directory

    On reboot it show the multiboot menù selection, but selecting LibreELEC start the old 7.0.2 and do not start the update process.

    2) then I tried to copy the same .tar file to /LibreELEChome/.update/

    on reboot it find the new file and start to uncompress, but it say no KERNEL or SYSTEM found,

    and this seems OK as this is the update file for Noobs

    3) then I downloaded:


    and copy the .gz file to /LibreELEChome/.update/

    on reboot it find the new file and start to uncompress, but it say:

    Uncompress failed, no space left on device.

    So now:

    I have not much space on the 8 GB SD, so I need to know what is the minimum space needed on LibreELEC partitions to successfully update.

    My current SD partition table is:

    sdb      7,3G
    ├─sdb1   1,1G fat32    RECOVERY      /media/efa/RECOVERY
    ├─sdb5   132M ext4     SETTINGS      /media/efa/SETTINGS
    ├─sdb6    63M fat16    boot          /media/efa/boot
    ├─sdb7   5,0G ext4     RaspbianRoot  /media/efa/RaspbianRoot
    ├─sdb8   512M fat16    LIBREELEC     /media/efa/LIBREELEC
    └─sdb9   512M ext4     LibreELEChome /media/efa/LibreELEChome

    somewhere I read to size the partitions to 512 MB that is my case, but apparently doesn't work.

    As alternative, how to force the update using Noobs?