Posts by adam.h.

    If you want more changelog info please go look at the full/original commit log on GitHub. We have no plans to bloat page load times and increase webserver load with more commit data that likely few people read.

    Yeah, right - we are listing as for now 145 build images (starting from May 2024) and only 20 past commits, no bloating at all, just perfect excuse for someone not getting work done?

    Nah, that would be just stupid to keep both in sync (say past 20 builds + 20 commits) ^^

    Is force mounting going to fix errors from LE?

    It won't fix anything, just mount it regardless these errors. The other (maybe better) option is to fix the disk in Windows system and change LE to mount it always as RO (the above url to autostart is good reference for details).

    BTW, the option to mount external contents disks as RO could be good extension for LE, but perhaps it happens so rarely that it is not worth the effort. I'm using RPi5 with latest LE12 and SSD disk formatted as NTFS and while I had that "dirty disc" errors in the past (probably around LE10 or LE9), it works now without problems. So this could be also some combination of disc type, NTFS and LE version (driver version).

    Oh sure, just be patient enough and all the problems will magically solve themselves! 😀

    With the following nightly LE release I can play above stream without problems:

    However someone with fresh eye catched up that it originally failed on HEVC stream and now it is openning H264 stream, so perhaps Kodi in this version has different preferences - not sure if H264 stream was available originally or was added later by Disney...

    Guys, could you make the changelog table a bit longer to cover all available nightly builds? For example, in Generic LE13, I have builds from May to September, but the changelog only shows releases from mid-July.

    I discovered that LE13 01416e0 is not handling subtitles properly, so I had to downgrade to a randomly chosen build from July 20, as the latest changelog entry only shows releases from July 25.

    I know I could spend time looking directly on GitHub, but why not make these pages a little more useful? :)

    Some more forensic analysis :D

    Here are the stream properties:

    Suprisingly it plays well from the file, even with enabled vaapi, and the same content fails with vaapi when it is streamed. See attached 2 screenshots from playing file and playing the stream.

    So perhaps the problem is not really in ffmpeg or drivers/kernel, but somewhere between InputStream Adaptive / Disney+ Addon / FFMpeg?

    EDIT: I forgot to add log file.

    Ok, so to complete this journey here is the log with Linux version 6.10.0-rc3 and FFmpeg version 6.1.1, the stream is not playable when hardware acceleration is enabled.

    Let me know if you think I can contribute with anything else.

    I'm using that setup: <setting id="debug.setextraloglevel">128,2048,32768,262144</setting> so ffmpeg is covered. I didn't try with ffmpeg 6.1.1 though.

    I tried that sample file attached to 23699 and it works fine for both software codec and hardware acceleration, see the log. As expected, with vaapi enabled it plays very smoothly, while it slightly stutters with software codec.

    So I suppose it is something else im my stream which causes these issues.

    Hi chewitt, I checked that all these HEVC samples work well with and without hardware acceleration, so it seems that there is something specific with my tested HEVC stream.

    I could provide like 10 sec sample of that failing HEVC stream for further investigations, but since simple hacks with playercorefactory/ffmpeg are not working with the new Kodi and this is prioprietary Disney contents I suppose I would need some guidance (PM?) how to proceed with this.

    Maybe this was discussed already here, but I cannot find anything specific. Perhaps my adventures will help someone.

    In theory NUC10 should be fine with HEVC (hardware decoding is available in 10th gen.). But not in my case, the HEVC movie was just generating sound and video screen was not refreshing. I could see multiple entries in the log file, like: ffmpeg[0x1c3b8a30]: [hevc] hardware accelerator failed to decode picture.

    So it helped to disable hardware acceleration in the Player settings. Apparently hardware driver was not as good as the software driver. Attaching also screenshot for the reference.