Posts by WileCoyote

    Anyone else have this? Not a massive problem to me, but sounds weird!

    I thought it was just my receiver, but my brother's identical setup (but with a different receiver) has the same peculiarity.

    The display on the receivers shows that they are losing the connection intermittently as it loses a lock to the audio stream.

    I've noticed it with 5.1 channel output to PCM, but I will try and find a file with AC3 or DTS to see if it happens with them too.

    EDIT3: WiFi also seems to just die after a few minutes of streaming as reported by kostaman on build 007. It could be hardware since i rarely use or tested WiFi. Maybe others that actually use it can confirm?

    Yes, I have this as well.

    My upgrade path has been from the test build prior to .006 (IIRC). Therefore I haven't until now had to mess around with .dtb files.

    What was the default device tree from this early build, because everything was working great up to and including .007 on my Mini MXIII?

    Working! My Sony SBH-20 headphones are detected and paired without any problem, and giving perfect synchronized sound

    Enviat des del meu D5803 usant Tapatalk


    Although intially it said no Bluetooth adapter was found, and it took a few seconds before the devices appeared in the window.

    Nice work kszaq!

    Thank you. Is it the same for the first test build? I'm asking as I don't have a device with 8723BS.

    First test build (I may have concatenated my pastings, but I'll leave as is):

    I've noticed that both the latest versions of Kodi and SPMC both crash after setting the output to 5.1 and trying to play a file with AAC 5.1 sound, so it seems to be a Kodi 16.1-wide problem.

    On LibreELEC I can get around the problem for now by setting transcoding to AC3 and enabling passthrough. It should sound awful with all the lossy to lossy conversion, but it's not too bad and sounds better than the 2 channel to Dolby Pro-Logic II output.

    echo 0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state && sleep 2 && echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state && /usr/bin/rtk_hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 rtk_h5

    For the second devel release:

    And it just keeps on going with the retries.

    I tried the test files from this thread as well as other HEVC demo files (Jellyfish HEVC in high bitrates) from both my local network and an old usb stick. No lag or dropped frames.

    Thank you for your extensive testing. Luckily the glitching is more of an annoyance than a problem. Maybe it'll correct itself in later builds somehow.