Posts by zaddo

    3) The following should work:

    sudo mount -t cifs // /media/pismb -o vers=3.0,guest

    4) In terms of your fstab settings, I think the following should work for you:

    //  /media/OpenelecMovies  cifs  vers=3.0,guest,uid=1000,users  0  0
    //\040Shows  /media/OpenelecTVShows  cifs vers=3.0,guest,uid=1000,users  0  0

    Hi Milhouse,

    thank you for your help. I have a similar problem and managed to mount my LibreELEC smb share to my Lubuntu system with your explaination using sudo mount ...

    sudo mount -t cifs // /media/LibreELECshare -o vers=3.0,username="myuser",password="mypassword"

    However, I still fail to automatically mount the share using fstab. My fstab entry is similar to the one you explained above, but I use a password authentification:

    //  /media/LibreELECshare cifs  uid=1000,vers=3.0,username="myuser",password="mypassword",users 0 0

    In the Lubuntu File Manager PCManFM the fstab mounted share appears, but doesn't seem to be mounted as there is not "Unmount button" next to it. When I try to access the share there is an error Message

    mount error(13): Permission denied
    Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

    As explained, the manual mount works fine, so where is the error in my fstab entry?