i'll give up. tried it many ways, red all the wiki pages, but nothing worked.
when i use the PIA account from my parrents, it workes. I'll take the easy way
thnx for the support
i'll give up. tried it many ways, red all the wiki pages, but nothing worked.
when i use the PIA account from my parrents, it workes. I'll take the easy way
thnx for the support
I cleared all the ovpn files and downloaded them again. Did this also with the keys and crt. Are the user.key and .crt the same as the cliënt .key and .crt? Mayby do i need to turn on a port in my rourer, like 1194?
I did all the downloading with a laptop and uses putty and winSCP to transfer the files. Also tried it from a usb-stick.
Credentials, i tried the email and logincode from my account and the username/password they give for manuel settings. At the web page were i got the mauel settings, i downloaded the keys and ovpns.
I installed LibreElec on a RP3. Having a expressVPN account and trying to connect... It gives a error something to do with username, password and connection, but i dont understand what i am doing wrong. I typed the credentials 100 times and did some combinations because i get a unique user and password with manuel installation.
I hope i gave enough info. pls ask if i need to give you more information.
Greetz, Mark
I having some trouble connecting with VPN manager for OpenVPN.
I have a Raspberry Pi3, installed raspbian stretch-lite with a kodi install on top of it. Also installed OpenVPN
I know I'm not running LibreElec but i think I'm here at the right place hope you can help me.
First i tried PIA with credentials from my fathers account. It connected, but didnt gave me any streams.
When i disconnected the streams are working.
Second i tried my ExpressVPN but gave me a messege : expressVPN requires key and certificate files unique to you in order to authenticate. These are typically called client.key and client.crt or user.key and user.crt or can be embedded within .ovpn files
Where can i find them?