Posts by maral

    after upgrading my mediacenter to raspi4 and librelec 11.00 i run into the same problem.
    Every time after an unconditional stop (software or (hardware issues like power down))
    i must connect my ntfs drive to windows to run chkdsk. There are no files lost or corrupted.
    After reinstalling libreelec mounts the hd without problems.

    With raspi3 and old liberelec i never seen such problems for years.

    It seems to me that LibreELEC 11 breaks the use of ntfs.

    Is exFAT more reliable or is ext4 the only way to get a stable mediasystem again ?


    i´m writing a service addon under libreelec (milhouse) and kodi 18 alpha to read push buttons.

    gpio access works well on reading and writing gpio pins.

    But interrupts didn't work.

    GPIO.add_event_detect(23, GPIO.FALLING, callback=btnhandler,bouncetime=300)

    throw the above error message.

    i tried RPi.GPIO 0.62 and 0.63

    I run a test outside kodi. Same problem.

    any help ?
