Posts by yummy_yum

    Hi yummy

    I'm not sure if it relates to your case but I had problems with random freezes on my h96 pro box. Since uninstalling the bitdefender antivirus app didn't get any freezes so far.

    Could try uninstalling that if you have it installed.

    Thanks for reply, I don't have mentioned app installed on my box.

    I also uninstalled addon for Phillips Hue (it works, but I saw few errors regarding that addon in kodi log), just in case to see how the box will behave for next few days.


    23:10:11.249 T:3737113440   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                 - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
                                                Error Contents: 'MyPlayer' object has no attribute 'playlistpos'
                                                Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                  File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.kodi.hue.ambilight/", line 138, in onPlayBackEnded
                                                    if self.playlistpos < self.playlistlen-1:
                                                AttributeError: 'MyPlayer' object has no attribute 'playlistpos'
                                                -->End of Python script error report<--

    Then the only thing left, before you will get any further help to begin with, would be remove and stop using any add-ons that allow you to either download or stream illegal content. Provide a log after that if the problem persists.

    I'm not using any illegal/streaming addon. I'm using Sabnzbd, which is usenet client, plus Sonarr/Radarr/Hydra - all from thoradia repo.

    Is it possible to be power adapter problem? I just unplugged the adapter from the device, and suddenly third WD 3,5" which is connected to Raspberry Pi 3 spins up from hibernation (hd-idle).

    Original adapter was 5V/2A, changed it with 5V/3A from some old Cubox. I'll post in few days to let you know if it was power adapter.

    Other than this problem, build works perfectly, my TV (Samsung UE55KS8000) recognizes HDR content and 4k videos are playing just fine :)

    Hi, I have a problem with H96 Pro Plus (S912/3GB/32GB) and version of this build, device tree is gxm_q200_3g.dtb.

    After a day or two, the device simply freezes and only solution is pulling the power adapter from the device. I have two external disks connected, so it really sucks to do "hard shutdown", because I cannot unmount them properly.

    I have tried to look inside Kodi log and journalctl, but there is nothing which could help me to see what was the cause of problem.

    At first, I thought it was Sabnzbd since I was downloading 50+ GB files, but in last few days I didn't download anything and problem is still here.

    What should I do? Downgrade to lower version of this build?

    Any help is appreciated :)