Posts by siborg

    Try adding this "echo "xrandr --output eDP1 --off && xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 3840x2160 --rate 60.00" (without quotes) and modify for output and Hertz (60, 50, 30, 25). in the config folder to a file called ""

    didn't work, started with 1080p like always and never change to 2160p

    manual resolution to 4k and the quarter screen appears

    Hi, i tried from 8.0.2 to 8.2.2 and the 4k never worked (top left quarter static) with my MXIII-G

    if i use android and select 4k, works ok, but if i reset with 4k to libreelec, the logo is show top left quarter of the screen forever

    also with 8.2.2 the audio output uses S/PDIF and the output is PCM 2.0 always, before with 8.2.1 was HDMI (dd, dd+ or dts in 5.1) all ok