Posts by pipipapa

    To put things in /usr/bin you need to compile a custom LE image with appropriate configuration and package changes. There are probably other ways to achieve something though, if you explain in more detail what you're trying to achieve.

    i not only let it to be a movie player,but also a file sever, and control the lights of my living room(when it play a movie turn light to dark and end play turn light to bright)

    The allwinner development branch in our git repo is (or will) use DRM/V4L2 for video output. The V4L2 driver is still being written. It will not currently result in a working image. Lakka has quite different (more simple) video requirements.

    NB: There are some other H3 sources out there which use an older collection of OE era hacks to create a "working" image, but these are based on an outdated approach and are nothing to do with us.

    i see, thank you very much.

    i want it run on allwinner chip (H3),but compile has some error.

    if KODIPLAYER_DRIVER=no,the hint is : no: no file found

    if KODIPLAYER_DRIVER=libamcodec the hint is :

    [6/1318] Building CXX object build/cor...dllloader.dir/DllLoaderContainer.cpp.o
    ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

    if KODIPLAYER_DRIVER=default the hint is :

    [11/1314] Building CXX object build/fi...dir/DirectoryNodeAlbumTop100Song.cpp.o
    ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

    what should i do to fix it ?

    I complite LibreElEC source code ,has a error as this:


    INSTALL    nss (target)
    INSTALL    nss (host)      
    INSTALL    nspr (target)
    BUILD    expat (host)
    Executing (host): cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/ljb/H3/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ljb/H3/ /home/ljb/H3/
    – Configuring done
    – Generating done
    – Build files have been written to: /home/ljb/H3/
    Executing (host): ninja
    ninja: error: bad $-escape (literal $ must be written as $$)


    line 155 of as this:

    PRE_LINK = cd /home/ljb/H3/ && $(MAKE) -C doc xmlwf.1 && cd /home/ljb/H3/

    how to fix it?